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Agenda Item No. 6

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee: 16th November 2017

Report of the Managing Director

Our Vale - Our Future, the Public Services Board Draft Well-being Plan

Purpose of the Report

  1. To advise the Committee of the Public Services Board's draft Well-being Plan and 12 week consultation programme.


  1. That the Committee provide feedback on the Public Services Board draft Well-being Plan.

Reason for the Recommendation

  1. To obtain feedback regarding the PSB's draft Well-being Plan.


  1. The Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 formally established Public Services Boards (PSBs), in each Local Authority area in Wales. 'Our Vale' is the Vale PSB and in accordance with the Act must contribute to the achievement of the national well-being goals as set out in the legislation. The PSB must do this by:
  • Assessing the state of economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in the local area.
  • Setting local objectives that are designed to maximise the PSB's contribution within the area to achieving the national well-being goals.
  • Taking all reasonable steps to meet these objectives i.e. through a Well-being Plan which must be informed by the Well-being Assessment.
  1. The PSB must publish its first Well-being Plan by 4th May 2018.
  2. Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee is the designated Committee for scrutinising the work of the PSB.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. In May 2017 the Vale Public Services Board published its Well-being Assessment. The Assessment brought together a wealth of information from a wide range of sources and provides a comprehensive picture of well-being in the Vale of Glamorgan. As part of the consultation on the draft Well-being Assessment views were sought on the four areas of focus which the PSB had identified to provide a framework for the Well-being Plan. The four areas of focus were engagement, the environment, early years and tackling poverty/inequalities.
  2. Following the consultation on the Assessment and subsequent publication the PSB started work on the development of the Plan. This has included the development and implementation of a self-assessment tool focusing on leadership, policy, activities, resources and impact in relation to the four areas of focus. Two expert workshops have also been held and discussions with partners have been ongoing throughout the process. The PSB has also taken account of feedback from the Future Generations Commissioner on the Well-being Assessment and the approach to developing the Plan. A copy of the Future Generations Commissioner's advice with regards to the development of the plan is attached as Appendix A.
  3. As a result of this work the PSB has drafted a vision for 2050 and a Well-being Plan for 2018-2023 with four well-being objectives and a number of short term and long term actions. The Plan represents the first steps in achieving the 2050 vision.
  4. The PSB's four Well-being Objectives are:
  • To enable people to get involved, participate in their local communities and shape local services
  • To reduce poverty and tackle inequalities linked to deprivation
  • To give children the best start in life
  • To protect, enhance and value our environment.
  1. The full draft Plan is attached as Appendix B and details how the Well-being Objectives have been set, proposed actions, how the Plan fits with other partnership plans and strategies and the outcomes we want to achieve. An Executive Summary is attached as Appendix C.
  2. The actions in the draft Plan have been discussed at length across the PSB and reflect where partners think their collective action can add the greatest value in contributing to the national well-being goals. Many of the actions in the draft Plan cut across a number of objectives and demonstrate how partners are looking to integrate activities to deliver a range of outcomes.
  3. Actions in the draft plan include:
  • Research best practice in engagement and community participation to develop new approaches.
  • Support and promote volunteering opportunities for staff and residents.
  • Produce an engagement toolkit
  • Work with the local community to identify and develop a co-production project
  • Work together to promote healthy behaviour messages
  • Work with local residents to identify and deliver an environmental project
  • Develop a co-ordinated approach to tackling fuel poverty
  • Work together as local employers to develop new opportunities for work experience and apprenticeships
  • Improve parenting skills
  • Review multi-agency arrangements for the delivery of preventative and statutory services for children and young people
  • Promote active travel and more sustainable travel
  • Deliver on a joint commitment to 'green' our estates .e.g. reduce energy use and minimise pollution.
  1. Consultation on the draft plan commenced on the 28th September and will run for 12 weeks ending on the 20th December. A range of activities and attendance at events will take place during the consultation period to assist people and organisations to have their say. A copy of the consultation and engagement programme is attached as Appendix D. Activities include:
  • A link to the draft Plan and dates of the stakeholder workshops have been circulated to all statutory consultees, Town and Community Councils and a wide range of organisations including those that participated in the engagement to date on the Well-being Assessment and draft Plan.
  • PSB partners have already been out and about at different events to talk about the PSB and the draft Plan including the 50+ Strategy Forum event, Barry Jobs Fair, GVS Big Volunteer event, Super Ambassador Event for primary school children and the Equalities Consultative Forum. Officers will also be out and about in the different communities and attending more events over the coming weeks.
  • An online survey and social media campaign #30 days of wellbeing was launched on the 23rd October and is being promoted by all partners.
  • Two stakeholder workshops will be held on the 29th November and the 6th  December.
  • Briefings on the draft plan were also included in the recent Member Development Sessions on the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
  1. As part of the consultation the PSB is particularly seeking views on the Well-being objectives and proposed actions and suggestions about organisations which can help to deliver the objectives.
  2. Following the consultation the feedback will be considered by the PSB and the draft plan will be amended and agreed for publication at the beginning of May 2018.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. None as a direct result of this report.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act is about sustainable development. The Act sets out a 'sustainable development principle' which specifies that the public bodies listed in the Act must act in a manner which seeks to ensure the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In meeting their sustainability duty, each body must set objectives that highlight the work the body will undertake to contribute to meeting the seven Well-being Goals for Wales.
  2. Through the PSB partners are working together to contribute to the national well-being goals, adopt the five ways of working and improve social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no specific legal implications as a direct result of this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. Actions in the draft plan will contribute to improving safety and there is a key focus on preventative actions within the plan.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. There are no specific Equal Opportunities implications as a direct result of this report and actions within the draft Plan will help to tackle inequalities and increase community engagement.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The Council's Corporate Plan reflects the authorities' duties and commitments to promoting sustainable development. The Corporate Plan is based around four well-being outcomes which provide a framework for the plan together with eight well-being objectives. Through the objectives the Council demonstrates its commitment to improving social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being and the promotion of sustainable development. In delivering these objectives the Council contributes to the seven Well-being goals for Wales and ensures that the needs of people of all ages and future generations are at the forefront of service delivery.
  2. The objectives and actions within the PSB's draft Well-being Plan are consistent with the Council's well-being objectives.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This is a matter for decision by the Scrutiny Committee.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. Due to the corporate nature of this report, no specific Ward Member consultation has been undertaken.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee.

Background Papers

Statutory Guidance on the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015

Vale of Glamorgan Well-being Assessment (2017)

Contact Officer

Helen Moses, Strategy and Partnership Manager

Officers Consulted

Huw Isaac, Head of Performance and Improvement

Carys Lord, Head of Finance

Responsible Officer:

Rob Thomas, Managing Director