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Agenda Item No. 4


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Healthy Living and Social Care Scrutiny Committee: 4th  December 2017


Report of the Director of Environmental and Housing


Leisure Management Contract - Year 5 Report


Purpose of the Report

  1. To provide an update on the performance of the Leisure Management Contract.


  1. That Committee notes the performance of Legacy Leisure.
  2. That a year six annual report is presented to this Scrutiny Committee in Autumn 2018.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To note the performance of the contractor in Year 5 of the contract.
  2. To enable the Committee to be regularly updated on the performance of the Leisure Management Contract.


  1. Committee will be aware that the Council's Leisure Management Contract was awarded to Parkwood Community Leisure and commenced on 1st August 2012 for a period of ten years with the possibility of a further five year extension. The award of the contract followed an extensive procurement process and set out to significantly reduce the revenue cost to the Council of its Leisure Centres operation. The contract was subsequently sub-contracted to Legacy Leisure, a not for profit charitable organisation, in October 2014 that provided the opportunity for further savings to be made.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Attached at Appendix 'A' is the executive summary from the year 5 annual report from Legacy Leisure. Committee will note that the annual report follows the format of the monitoring checklist discussed previously, which highlights parts of the contract and specification that Legacy Leisure are required to report on. The information concentrates on the key requirements of the contract documentation and is broken down into four areas, Financial (protecting the investment), Property (protecting the asset), Leisure Service (protecting the customer) and Employment (protecting the workforce). The team approach to monitoring has now also been fully established utilising specific officers within the finance, property and human resources departments, in addition to the leisure department.
  2. The annual report highlights a number of successes achieved during the year including utilisation of previously unused space in Penarth Leisure Centre, The relocation of the Hammer Strength gym to Barry Leisure Centre, new spin room at Penarth, improvements to reception areas at various sites and gym extensions / redesigns at Cowbridge and Llantwit Major. The development of a 5-a-side facility at Barry Sports Centre was licensed for a limited period to Legacy during August 2017 and therefore is not reported in this annual report. In addition Legacy Leisure introduced an online lesson platform for swimming lessons that allows a swimmers progress to be tracked. Membership has increased and therefore usage. Barry Leisure Centre was also entered for an energy efficiency award following significant improvements. The extensive investment in staff training has also continued.
  3. Significant developments are also planned for year 6 of the contract. In addition negotiations are also progressing on the possibility of activating the extension clause within the contract of a further 5 years beyond the initial 10 year contact to provide greater security and certainty to both the Council and Legacy Leisure in developing the service.
  4. Committee will also be aware that a small working group has been formed from this Committee to periodically visit Vale of Glamorgan Leisure Centres. The first visits were held recently and Members were shown around Barry and Penarth Leisure Centres. Further visits will take place to other sites in the future.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. Under the terms of the contract, Legacy Leisure is now paying the Council for the delivery of this service.
  2. The Council's Capital Programme contains the following budgets for 2017/18 which will make improvements to the leisure centres:



Capital budget


Barry and Penarth Leisure Centre Upgrade Changing Rooms


Barry Leisure Centre Hall Floor


Cowbridge Leisure Centre Roofing


Cowbridge Leisure Centre Electrical Works


Llantwit Leisure Centre Electrical Works



Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. Many of the improvements carried out as part of the Condition Survey works at the commencement of the contract have increased the effectiveness and efficiency of major items of plant within the Leisure Centres. This is intrinsically linked to the Council's sustainability and climate change objectives. The planned works on the changing facilities will also increase energy efficiency.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no specific legal implications associated with this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no significant crime and disorder implications associated with this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. Legacy Leisure has continued to demonstrate its commitment to equal opportunities during year five of the contract.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Well-being Outcome 4: An Active and Healthy Vale:

Objective 7: Encouraging and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.

Work in partnership to deliver a range of activities through our leisure and community facilities and parks to increase levels of participation and physical activity.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is within the policy framework and budget.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. No ward member consultation has taken place as the Leisure Management Contract delivers services across the whole of the Vale of Glamorgan.

Background Papers

Annual Report from Legacy Leisure

Contact Officer

David Knevett, Operational Manager, Leisure

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager; Finance

Operational Manager, Property

Financial Accountant - Visible Services

Committee Reports

Operational Manager Human Resources

Responsible Officer:

Miles Punter, Director of Environment and Housing