Agenda Item No. 5
The Vale of Glamorgan Council
Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee: 9th November 2017
Report of the Director of Environmental and Housing
Civil Parking Enforcement Update
Purpose of the Report
- To update Committee on Civil Parking Enforcement activities in the Vale of Glamorgan for 2016/17 and from 1st April 2017 to 24th October 2017.
- That Committee considers the contents of this Report.
- That a further Civil Parking Enforcement Report is received by Committee in Summer 2018 outlining the full details of activities undertaken for 2017/18.
- That this report is referred to Cabinet for consideration.
Reasons for the Recommendations
- To update Committee on the work of Civil Enforcement Officers for 2016/17 and from 1st April 2017 to 24th October 2017.
- To ensure Committee receive a further report outlining the Civil Parking Enforcement activities undertaken during 2017/18.
- To provide Cabinet with the current data on Civil Parking Enforcement for their consideration.
- On 1st April 2013, Bridgend County Borough Council and the Vale of Glamorgan Council were made responsible for the enforcement of the majority of on-street and off-street parking regulations under a scheme called Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). The two neighbouring Councils operate a shared service arrangement which is led by Bridgend County Borough Council and governed by a Joint Service Agreement.
- The Council is responsible for the enforcement of on-street and off-street parking regulations. Most parking contraventions, including yellow lines and parking bays can be enforced.
- Civil Enforcement Officers help to identify illegal and irresponsible parking. Their role is to keep the roads clear and safe and to help achieve compliance with parking restrictions. In most instances, before issuing a ticket they will use their discretion and try to explain to the driver why they should not be parked illegally.
- Any illegally or irresponsibly parked vehicles will be given a parking ticket known as a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). PCNs are only issued where vehicles are parked in contravention of the parking restrictions. PCNs are administered by the Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP) based in North Wales. They also process and collect penalty charges on behalf of other Local Authorities.
- If the PCN is not paid or challenged during the initial 28 day period, as specified on the front of the PCN, a Notice to Owner will be served on the registered keeper of the vehicle, requiring full payment of the penalty charge. If payment is made within 14 days of the date of issue, then the charge is reduced by 50%. If no payment is received within 14 days then the full amount is required.
- There are no targets for the number of PCNs that a Civil Enforcement Officer must issue. All Officers undergo comprehensive training and may only issue a PCN if they believe a contravention has occurred.
- The Police can still issue parking tickets known as a fixed penalty notice for parking on pedestrian crossing zig-zags but this contravention can also be enforced by the Council (without the associated penalty points). The Police also continue to deal with dangerous parking and general obstructions such as parking on footways and moving traffic offences and can take action against any driver where security or other traffic policing safety issues are involved.
- Currently in the Vale of Glamorgan there are five dedicated Civil Enforcement Officers based at the Alps Depot in Wenvoe.
Relevant Issues and Options
- The total number of Parking Charge Notices issued for 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and part of 2017/18 is shown below. Since inception to 24th October 2017 there have been 32981 notices issued.
Total Number of Contravention Notices Issued
Formal Appeals
Successful Appeals
2017/18 (1st April to
24th October 2017)
174 (27% success rate)
- The data for 2016/17 illustrates that PCNs were issued in the Council's main urban areas including Barry, Penarth, Cowbridge, Dinas Powys, Sully, Llantwit Major and Rhoose as well as other areas such as Ogmore by Sea, Southerndown and at the M4 Junction 34 ( Miskin interchange).
- Appendix A shows the data for 2016/17 and Appendix B the latest data for 2017/18 from 1st April 2017 to 24th October 2017. For information the top three streets receiving PCNs for each year to date are as follows:
2013/14 (1) Holton Road, Barry - 1295
(2) Paget Road, Barry - 579
(3) Rivermouth Car Park, Ogmore by Sea - 437
2014/15 (1) Holton Road, Barry - 1066
(2) Windsor Road, Penarth - 636
(3) High Street, Cowbridge - 462
2015/16 (1) Holton Road, Barry - 875
(2) Windsor Road, Penarth - 489
(3) Paget Road, Barry - 419
2016/17 (1) Holton Road, Barry- 1308
(2) Windsor Road, Penarth - 706
(3) Paget Road, Barry - 489
2017/18 (1) Windsor Road, Penarth - 534
to 24/10 Joint (2) Holton Road, Barry - 397
Joint (2) Paget Road, Barry - 397
Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)
- The Civil Enforcement or Parking Contraventions (Guidelines on Levels of Charges) (Wales) Order 2008 sets out the levels of charges for parking contraventions that could be imposed in Wales. This information is shown below:
Higher Level Penalty Charge
Lower Level Penalty Charge
Higher Level Penalty Charge Paid Early
Lower Level Penalty Charge Paid Early
Higher Level of penalty charge after service of charge certificate
Lower Level of penalty charge paid after service of charge certificate
Band 2
The order permits for a discounted level of penalty charge which was paid early (that is within 21 days in the case of penalty charges imposed on the basis of a record produced by an approved device and 14 days in all other cases) and a surcharged level of payment after a charge certificate had been issued.
- The Civil Parking Enforcement service is arranged is as to be self-financing. For 2016/17 the total costs and income for the service were:
Vale Employee Costs
Supplies and Services
Payments to Bridgend CBC
- The surplus made by the service in 2016/17 is being used to pay back the initial set up costs for CPE which totalled £281k. Of this, £213k was funded from the Visible Services reserve.
- Since Civil Parking Enforcement commenced in 2013/14, the surplus or deficit for each year is shown below:
2013/14 5,000 Deficit
2014/15 -18,994 Surplus
2015/16 -17,212 Surplus
2016/17 -466 Surplus
- The day to day management of CPE is undertaken by Bridgend County Borough Council. Specific enquiries relating to the existing Traffic Regulation Orders, signs and lines within the Vale of Glamorgan are dealt with by the Council's Traffic Management team.
Sustainability and Climate Change Implications
- The enforcement of traffic regulation orders increases economic activity in the areas such as our town centres, allowing for the free movement of vehicles in congested areas.
Legal Implications (to include Human Rights Implications)
- The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allows highway authorities to make and vary Orders to regulate the movement of vehicular traffic and to improve the amenities of an area.
- The Traffic Management Act 2004 enables Local Authorities, on application to the Welsh Government, to acquire the powers to enforce parking and movement restrictions.
- There are no Human Rights Implications with regard to this report.
Crime and Disorder Implications
- Exercising CPE powers enables the Council to better manage the highway network which improves highway safety and reduces the potential for incidents of disorder.
Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)
- The introduction of CPE benefits all sections of the community by improving highway safety and reducing congestion.
Corporate/Service Objectives
- The relevant Corporate Plan (2016-2020) Wellbeing Outcome is WO2, an environmentally responsible and prosperous Wales, Objective 4 promoting sustainable development and protecting our environment. The Visible Services and Transport Service Plan (2017) details the provision of this service in partnership with Bridgend.
Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)
- No Ward Member consultation has been undertaken as the matters relates to all areas of the Vale of Glamorgan.
Background Papers
Contact Officer
Emma Reed, Head of Visible Services and Transport - 029 20673264.
Officers Consulted
Operational Manager Legal Services
Accountant, Building and Visible Services
Principal Traffic Officer
Operational Manager Highways and Engineering
Responsible Officer:
Miles Punter, Director of Environment and Housing