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Agenda Item No. 4









C355              Highway Resurfacing 3 Year Plan 2018 to 2021 (NST) (Scrutiny Committee - Environment and Regeneration) -


During consideration of this item the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning left the room and took no part in any discussions that took place.


Cabinet was advised of the Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan and to agree the priority locations for resurfacing works as detailed in the plan.


The local highway network within the Vale of Glamorgan was a valuable asset to the community for which the Council was responsible.  The way it was managed and maintained had a direct impact on residents, businesses and visitors who used it on a daily basis.


All users depended on a reliable service from the local highway network in order to sustain the Vale of Glamorgan's economic and transportation needs and it was therefore essential that the network was maintained in as good a condition as possible.


The carriageway resurfacing locations proposed in the Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan represented the outcome of technical scanner survey data and physical on-site condition assessments of the local highway network by experienced highway maintenance staff.


The locations on the plan had been assessed and recorded in a prioritised manner to ensure the most appropriate and effective use of the available resources in order to best maintain the Vale of Glamorgan's local highway network.


A letter was sent to all Town and Community Council's in March 2018 by the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport advising that the Council had set aside a sum of £2.436m for highways resurfacing for the 2018/19 financial year.


The main purpose of the letter was to ensure that more minor highway routes within local areas were given consideration, where the local community felt such routes to be of 'local importance'.  The letter offered the Town and Community Councils an opportunity to input into the review of this year's Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan by using their local knowledge to submit up to three routes which they considered to be high priority within their ward area no later than  20th April 2018. The letter advised that the Council would then assess each route to establish its priority on the Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan and submit it to Cabinet for future consideration.


The proposed Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan was attached at Appendix A to the report and identified carriageways requiring treatment to prevent further surface and structural deterioration. The roads and routes include certain routes suggested by the Town and Community Councils that responded to the above letter as well as other priority roads identified by the Council's Highway Engineers as requiring treatment. The roads and routes suggested by Town and Community Councils were listed in Appendix C attached to the report. The carriageways of all the roads and routes listed within the Plan for resurfacing had been assessed in accordance with the 'Carriageway Resurfacing Prioritisation Scoring System' which was attached at Appendix B to the report.


This was a matter for Executive decision


Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein




(1)       T H A T the contents of the Highway Maintenance 3 year Resurfacing Plan attached at Appendix A to the report be noted and the priority locations for resurfacing works as identified be agreed.


(2)       T H A T  the Director of Environment and Housing Services be authorised to amend the plan, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport if other urgent and unexpected priorities were identified.


(3)       T H A T the matter be referred to the Scrutiny Committee (Environment and Regeneration) for consideration.


Reasons for decisions


(1)       To improve the condition of the Council's local highway infrastructure on a prioritised basis in accordance with the Funding available.


(2)       To deal efficiently with changes in the Plan should other highway routes deteriorate more rapidly than expected or constraints dictate that a change in priority is required to ensure the most cost effective use of the budget allocation in 2018/19.


(3)       To ensure that the relevant Scrutiny Committee could consider the details of the proposed Highway Resurfacing 3 Year Plan 2018 to 2021.




Attached as Appendix – Report to Cabinet – 2 JULY 2018