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Agenda Item No. 6(ii)












Section 4.10 of the Constitution - “Council Procedure Rules – Annual meeting of the Council” - provides that the Annual Meeting will be told by the Leader of the names of councillors he/she has chosen to be Deputy Leader and the number and names of Members to be appointed to the Executive and thir portfolios / responsibilities.


Section 5.2 of the Constitution - “Form and Composition of the Executive” - provides that the Executive will consist of the Leader of the Council (the “Leader”) and at least two, but not more than nine, councillors appointed to the Executive by the Leader.


Under the provisions of the 2017 Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales, the Vale of Glamorgan Council is able to pay up to a maximum of 18 Senior Salaries to Members in those positions agreed by the Council to receive such.  The figure of 18 does not include Civic Salaries able to be paid to a Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Including Cabinet members, it is proposed that the Council pay a total of 15 Senior Salaries, together with Civic Salaries to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, as set out below:


  • Cabinet Members - 7
  • Group Leaders (in respect of Groups comprising 10% or more of the total membership of the Council) - 1
  • Scrutiny Committee Chairmen - 5
  • Chairman of Planning Committee
  • Chairman of Licensing Committee
  • Mayor
  • Deputy Mayor.

Full details of the relevant payments, together with basic allowances for all Members, are incorporated within the Council's Constitution.


Details of Cabinet Portfolios, together with the Leader’s confirmation that, as part of their portfolios, Cabinet Members will be designated as the Council’s “Champions” with regard to various areas will be circulated prior to the meeting. 


It is recommended that the role of the following Champions continue to be undertaken by the position-holder indicated:


Scrutiny Champion – Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Group

Member Development Champion – Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee




(1)       T H A T the Leader inform the Council of the names of Councillors chosen to be Deputy Leader and Members of the Cabinet, together with details of their portfolios.


(2)       T H A T the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Group and Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee continue to be designated the Council’s Scrutiny and Member Development Champions respectively.


(3)       T H A T the Council's payments of Senior Salaries for 2017/18 be as set out above.


Background Papers


Sections 4.10 and 5.2 of the Constitution.

2017 Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.