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Agenda Item No. 5


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Democratic Services Committee: 17th October 2018


Report of the Managing Director


Member Development Expo Working Group


Purpose of the Report

  1. To provide the Democratic Services Committee with an update following the first Member Development Expo Working Group meeting and to seek authority to progress with arranging the first Member Development Expo Event.


  1. That the decisions and comments of the Member Development Expo Working Group, as detailed in the report, be considered.
  2. That the draft Member Competency Framework as compiled by the Member Development Expo Working Group be endorsed.
  3. That the aspects of the Event Framework, as detailed in the report, be endorsed.

Reason for the Recommendations

1-3      The Democratic Services Committee is aware of the decisions and future    suggestions raised by the Member Development Expo Working Group in order that they be utilised to plan the first Member Development Expo Event before the end of 2018.


  1. The recent report of the Wales Audit Office (Overview and Scrutiny - "Fit for the Future?" July 2018) contains a proposal for improvement that "The Council should further consider the skills and training that scrutiny members may need to better prepare them for current and future challenges and develop and deliver an appropriate training programme".
  2. As part of preparing a response to the WAO proposals, the Democratic Services Committee was presented with a proposed Member Development Programme at its last meeting and authority was sought to further the development programme via a Working Group of Elected Members.
  3. The Committee subsequently agreed that two representative nominations be sought from each of the Political Group Leaders and Independent Members to form a Working Group to further refine the detail of the Member Development Programme in readiness for delivery of the first Member Development Expo Event by the end of 2018.
  4. The Committee also endorsed the suggested event framework, as set out in the Officer's report, for further consideration by the Working Group.
  5. On Monday, 24th September, 2018 the first meeting of the Member Development Expo Working Group took place which was attended by six Members with each Political Group represented.  The comments and suggestions raised at the meeting are attached at Appendix B.
  6. The Working Group considered the best approach to structuring a Member Development Programme. This discussion took take into consideration the comments raised by Elected Members during the WLGA Member Development Focus Group held in April 2018, the existing WLGA Competency Framework for Members and the Vale of Glamorgan Management Competency Framework. The Working Group aimed to identify the following:
      • The Competency Headings most relevant to the role of a Vale of Glamorgan Elected Member;
      • The most appropriate Event Framework for delivering a Member Development Expo Event; and
      • The most relevant development topics to help Elected Members support their constituents.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. To provide all Elected Members with the opportunity to develop a range of skills and experiences relevant to their role, a Member Development Programme is to be developed as previously agreed by the Democratic Services Committee. To ensure the programme has an appropriate structure that makes it sustainable and meaningful, the programme will be designed around a Member Competency Framework.  A Member Competency Framework is necessary to inform the content of each training session in the Programme and to maximise the impact of the Programme overall.  Therefore, the Members of the Working Group were asked to establish a proposed Local Member Competency Framework based around the following five competencies:
      • Managing My Role
      • Working with Citizens
      • Navigating Future Change
      • Managing Myself
      • Managing Relationships.
  1. The Working Group discussions centred around managing expectations, effective communication, an individual's motivation and levels of engagement, time management, prioritisation and ICT skills as well as initial Member induction topics.  Specific comments and suggestions are contained within Appendix A to this report.
  2. The Working Group agreed that the ongoing Member Development Expo Event be run on a six-monthly basis (prior to the summer recess, and again prior to Christmas); with one daytime session and one early evening session and on the basis of the following framework:

State of the Nation: An overview of the major strategic issues from the Managing Director with an opportunity for questions.

25 Minutes

'Up To Speed' Sessions: Up to 3 exhibition stands, staffed by service directors and colleague(s) from service directorates to provide updates on major service specific issues in an exhibition style, with Elected Members able to ask questions.

45 Minutes


20 Minutes

Member Competency Framework Exercise: To focus on one of the five competency framework behaviours and a current topic to gain insight from Elected Members.

45 Minutes

Feedback and Questions

15 Minutes

Informal Networking: An opportunity for Elected Members to revisit any exhibition stands and discuss issues in further detail.

  1. The Working Group agreed with the suggested approach that Members work in small groups throughout the sessions that are designed to be interactive, informal and enable plenty of time for discussion and learning with the first 'Up To Speed' Sessions relating to a combination of service areas including:
      • Refuse;
      • Highways;
      • Housing;
      • Social Care;
      • Education.
  1. The Member Competency Framework Exercise section of the event would provide an important opportunity for Members to explore issues and topics in a structured way and for the Council to understand the perspective of Elected Members in developing policy. The Competency Framework is also an important opportunity for Members to develop their own skills and knowledge. In order for the Programme to be effective, the Working Group discussed the benefit of all Elected Members having an opportunity to contribute to the development of the Framework itself. As such, the first Expo will provide Elected Members with the opportunity to identify the behaviours they feel are important to exhibit for each of the Five Areas of the Competency Framework. The outputs from the sessions would then be reviewed by the Working Group in creating a final version. Subsequent sessions would then focus in on one of the competencies, building a development programme over time that covers all areas. Other Member training (for example, in the development of Scrutiny Committee members and the induction) would also be structured around the five competencies to ensure consistency and clarity of approach to Member Development.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. There are no direct resource implications associated with this report. It is proposed that the development of a Local Member Competency Framework and Member Development Expo Events will be delivered internally.  External support (for example, from a relevant speaker) may be considered by the Working Group and the costs of this would be met from within the Democratic Services budget allocated to Member Development.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act sets out a duty for the Council to ensure the Sustainable Development Principle underpins all of the work undertaken by the Authority. Requiring us to demonstrate how decisions are formulated, taken and scrutinised via five ways of working, the Act underpins the Council's Corporate Plan. The approach to developing the Programme is collaborative and involving and the contents of the Act will be used to inform the development of specific sessions within the Programme over the coming years.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. Member training and development is required by the Local Government Act 2000, Local Government Measure (Wales) 2011.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. None directly attributable to this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The design and delivery of the Member Development Programme will reflect the need to ensure it is as accessible as possible for Members, including consideration of running sessions at varying times to maximise attendance.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The development afforded to all Members of the Council is key in ensuring that the effective delivery of corporate objectives.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. The Council's Corporate Plan 2016-2020 contains the values that all colleagues require and will inform the Member Development Programme. This will ensure that everyone understands their role and the importance of taking pride in our work, being open and working together to achieve our ambitions.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. In addition to consideration by the Democratic Services Committee, it is proposed that the Member Development Working Group meet regularly in advance of each Member Development Expo Event to confirm the themes for the forthcoming Expo Event.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Corporate Performance and Resources

Background Papers

Democratic Services Committee, 18th April 2018, Member Induction / Member Development 2017-2018,_agendas_and_reports/reports/democratic_services/2018/18-04- 18/Member-Induction-Member-Development.aspx

Democratic Services Committee, 25th July 2018, Vale of Glamorgan Member Support and Development Evaluation,_agendas_and_reports/reports/democratic_services/2018/18-07-25/VoG-Member-Support-and-Development-Evaluation.aspx

Democratic Services Committee, 25th July 2018, Member Development Programme.

Contact Officer

Jeff Rees, Operational Manager, Democratic Services

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager, Policy and Performance

Responsible Officer:

Rob Thomas (Managing Director)