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Agenda Item No. 7


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee Meeting 7th February 2018


Report of the Managing Director


Voluntary Sector Compact - Annual Work Plan Update


Purpose of the Report

  1. To provide the Committee with an update on the progress being made on the annual work plan associated with the Voluntary Sector Compact.


  1. That the Committee note the content of this report and the updates to the annual work plan.
  2. That the Committee continues to monitor progress against the actions contained in the work plan and advise of any additional actions required to progress the objectives of the Compact.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To provide the Committee with an update on the work underway in relation to the Voluntary Sector Compact.
  2. To ensure the appropriate activity is undertaken to progress the themes contained in the Compact.


  1. In February 2017, the Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee considered and endorsed a revised Compact between the Council and Voluntary Sector. The Compact can be found in Appendix A. Accompanying the Compact is an annual work plan which contains a series of actions that when progressed will enable the objectives of the Compact to be delivered.
  2. This report sets out the progress being made against the actions contained in the annual work plan which can be found in Appendix B.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. The aim of the Compact is to provide a local framework within which the voluntary sector and council can work together in ways which are mutually beneficial, enabling each to contribute fully and effectively to delivering well-being for communities in the Vale of Glamorgan.
  2. The Compact is structured around four themes which are:

Communication, Consultation & Participation

Partnership Working

Funding & Resources


  1. The annual work plan enables a series of actions to be undertaken by both the Voluntary Sector and the Council to progress the themes. Appendix B provides an update on these activities since October 2017.
  2. The Committee is recommended to review and note the content of the updates to the work plan, and advise of any additional actions that should be included to progress the Compact's aim and themes.
  3. One of the key developments highlighted in the work plan update is the first round of funding awards made through the Strong Communities Grant Fund. During the initial round, a total of 12 bids were made, from which funding was approved by Cabinet for eight schemes totalling £75,519.51. A decision on three of the schemes was deferred pending more information from the applicants and one application was not supported. The Cabinet report providing further information on the grant scheme can be found in Appendix C. The Cabinet report is provided to assist the Committee in the work plan action of promoting and monitoring the administration of the "Strong Communities Fund" to support the work of the third sector, town and community councils and other community groups to support strong communities in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. There are no direct resource implications associated with this report. However, the Compact sets out commitments relating to funding and resource (both financial and employment in the form of volunteering) issues. The work plan for 2017/18 includes reference to actions to monitor funding arrangements and to develop proposals for a Stronger Communities Fun to support the work of the third sector, town and community councils and community groups in the Vale of Glamorgan.
  2. Any proposals with specific resource implications will be considered by Committee and the Council's Cabinet as appropriate.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. The Compact is consistent with the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015). As noted below, the Compact and working between the Council and Voluntary Sector contributes to the achievement of the Council's Well-being Objectives which contribute to the achievement of the national Well-being Goals. The Act also sets out five ways of working that public bodies should follow in progressing their work towards the sustainable development principle. The Compact is an example of partnership working, promoting the integration and collaboration between organisations in the pursuit of well-being.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. Any proposals with specific legal implications will be considered by Committee and the Council's Cabinet as appropriate.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. The Compact sets out how by working together, the Voluntary Sector and Council can promote issues relating to the well-being of residents and this could include tackling causes of crime and disorder.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The Compact between the Voluntary Sector and Council is a mechanism by which community working can be furthered with equalities being a major of influencer of activity in this area.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The Compact contributes to the achievement of the Council's Corporate Plan and is consistent with the Council's vision, values and Well-Being Outcomes. Working with the voluntary sector is also an intrinsic part of the Council's transformational change programme, Reshaping Services.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is a matter for Executive decision by the Council's Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. The Compact was reviewed in February 2017 by the Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee which has representation from both the Voluntary Sector and the Council.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee.

Background Papers

Voluntary Sector Compact - Annual Work Plan Update, Report of the Managing Director, Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee, 25th October 2017,_agendas_and_reports/reports/voluntary_sector_joint_liaison/2017/17-10-25/Voluntary-Sector-Compact.aspx

Voluntary Sector Compact, Report of the Managing Director, Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee, 18th July 2017,_agendas_and_reports/reports/voluntary_sector_joint_liaison/2017/17-07-18/Voluntary-Sector-Compact.aspx

Vale of Glamorgan Council, Annual Improvement Report (2016-17), Wales Audit Office

Wales Audit Office, Local Authority Funding of Third Sector Services, January 2017

Voluntary Sector Compact, Report of the Managing Director, Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee, 8th February 2017,_agendas_and_reports/reports/voluntary_sector_joint_liaison/2017/17-02-08/Voluntary-Sector-Compact.aspx

Contact Officer

Huw Isaac, Head of Performance and Development

Officers Consulted

Managing Director

Operational Manager, Policy and Performance

Responsible Officer:

Rob Thomas, Managing Director