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Boverton Flood Alleviation Works

Since the late 1990s a number of flooding events have seriously affected the village of Boverton and since that time the Council and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) have invested considerable resources in investigating  the causes of the problems and the best way to address them.


A catchment modelling study was undertaken by NRW which identified that the flows associated with a 1 in 20 year event would break out of the upstream channel and the highway culvert would begin to surcharge.


It was found that increasing the size and straightening the alignment of the highway culvert to the maximum possible within the confines of the restricted site location, would provide a 1 in 70 year level of protection. By re-aligning and widening the downstream channel, as proposed, this would further increase to a level of protection of 1 in 100 years.


Despite full funding being unavailable, the Council committed some monies to scheme preparation during 2015/16 to ensure a shelf ready scheme was in place, ready for any future funding commitment from Welsh Government.


Welsh Government has recently announced that funding has been allocated in their draft budget for 2016/17 to complete this important flood defence scheme.


It is anticipated that the scheme can be constructed over a period of approximately 6 months, hopefully commencing in the summer of the 2016.


Due to the very restricted nature of the proposed construction site in the middle of the village, through which not only the river flows but Boverton Road, Eagleswell Road and the road to Trebeferad converge; there will be considerable disruption involving numerous phases of single way traffic control and also at least one period of total road closure.


Boverton Flood Alleviation Work Updates



Contact us

The Vale of Glamorgan Council
The Alps


Natural Resources Wales

Floodline (24 hour service):

  • 0345 988 1188

General Enquiries (Monday - Friday, 8.00am - 6.00pm):

  • 0300 065 3000


Key Facts


Scheme promoted by:

 - Vale of Glamorgan Council (VoG)

  - Natural Resources Wales (NRW)


Funded by:

 - Vale of Glamorgan Council 
- Welsh Government


At risk of flooding:

 5 Residential properties 
 6 Businesses


Estimated Cost of scheme:



Anticipated timescale:

Tender and Contract Development: Spring 2016

Construction: 6 months commencing Summer 2016


Overall objective:

To significantly reduce flood risk to the village of Boverton


Lead officer:

Colin Bright