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Forward Work Programme

The forward work programme is co-ordinated by the Cabinet Office and covers an annual Strategic overview and quarterly specific programme of items that the Executive and Full Council were likely to consider.


The programmes are updated regularly and include:

  • Timetable for considering the budget and any plans forming part of the policy framework and requiring Council approval, and which body is to consider them
  • Timetable for considering any plans which are the responsibility of the Cabinet
  • Any individual matters that the Cabinet intends to consult in advance of taking any decision, and the timetable for consultation and decision


Annual Strategic Forward Work Programme

The annual Strategic Forward Work Programme runs in line with the Council's municipal year and includes quarterly work programmes and update reports to Cabinet.


The annual Stategic Forward Work Programme sets out the likely strategic policy, budget reviewing and reports setting to be scheduled in the year. It also indicates the potential role of Scrutiny as well as the titles that will be considered by Council. The intention is to ensure clear correlation with the programming of the work of Scrutiny Committees and the Council's Corporate Management Team