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Meet the team

The work of all Vale of Glamorgan Council staff and day to day running of the organisation is managed by the Council’s Chief Officers. These Chief Officers include Directors, Heads of Service and Operational Managers and they make recommendations to, and are held accountable by the Cabinet. The Council’s Strategic Leadership Team provides overarching direction and management of the work of the Council. 


Strategic Leadership Team

Rob Thomas

Rob Thomas

Chief Executive

Lance Carver

Lance Carver

Director of Social Services 

Paula Ham

Paula Ham

Director of Learning and Skills

Miles Punter

Miles Punter

Director of Environment and Housing

Matt Bowmer 

Matt Bowmer

Head of Finance / Section 151 Officer

Tracy Dickinson

Tracy Dickinson

Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development

Nickki Johns

Nickki Johns

Head of Digital

Tom Bowring

Tom Bowring

Director of Corporate Resources 

Marcus Goldsworthy 

Marcus Goldsworthy

Director of Place

Debbie Marles

Debbie Marles

Head of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer 



Corporate Resources

14 Penarth Pier Icon

The Directorate provides a range of support services to enable the Council to function effectively, including human resources, IT, legal services and finance. It also includes the Council's democratic services function which administers the various cabinet committee and council meetings through which elected members make decisions and scrutinise the work of the organisation. 


It is also responsible for developing the organisation's long-term strategies, performance management arrangements, coordinating the way we communicate with the public and running the C1V contact centre.

Environment and Housing42 Council Van Icon

This directorate delivers a range of environmental services including cleansing and waste management, managing the highway network, maintaining our parks and public spaces, and overseeing the provision of public transport in the Vale. 


This directorate is also responsible for managing and maintaining the Council’s housing stock and providing a range of regulatory services, such as trading standards, in partnership with Cardiff and Bridgend Councils through the Shared Regulatory Services team. 

Learning and Skills04 School Icon

It is the responsibility of this directorate to provide everybody in the Vale of Glamorgan with opportunities for quality education, both in our schools and adult learning centres.


The Learning and Skills team also manage the Vale of Glamorgan's libraries, provide a wide ranging youth service, and support the delivery of arts projects across the county.

Social Services10 Family Icon

This directorate is home to all of teams that work with people in the Vale who need support, care or protection. 

This includes children and their families, older people and adults or children with an illness or disability.


Our social services team works to safeguard the well-being of children and young people who are in need either within their families, or where this is not possible by providing good quality alternative care.


The directorate also provides support for adults who need help to live their lives as independently as possible. This support is provided on both a short term and more permanent basis.


20 Barry Beach Huts

Our Place team is responsible for growing and sharing prosperity in the Vale of Glamorgan. The team shape the economic and physical growth of the region ensuring the economic foundations are in place for improving the lives of Vale of Glamorgan residents.


This includes discharging our statutory planning functions, while also leading our response to the climate emergency.


Place colleagues work to enhance the Vale’s town centres and neighbourhoods and collaborate with other areas of the Council and our regional partners to ensure the best possible return on investment for the Council and the people of the Vale of Glamorgan.