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Supporting People and Housing Related Support


Supporting People is a national framework for planning, delivering and monitoring housing related support services. 

Housing related support seeks to enable vulnerable people to maintain and increase their independence and capacity to remain in their own home. 


The programme aims to deliver housing related support services that are:


  • High quality 

  • Strategically relevant 

  • Cost effective 

  • Complementary to existing care services

  • Supporting People in Wales 
    In Wales the Supporting People Programme is delivered by the Welsh Government and Local Authorities through a single revenue funding stream called Housing Related Support Grant.




  • The Ethos of the SP Programme 

     "Supporting People provide a holistic, citizen centred approach to help people become independent and move out of disadvantage. Many of the people accessing the services have multiple needs which are being met by health and social services. However, many individuals have additional needs that would not be met by these services. The services provided should be designed to help people develop the skills and confidence necessary to live independently without support, or to maintain independent living with ongoing support.


    Supporting People is about individualised care targeted at improving the life of that person whilst developing essential personal, social and financial skills for keeping the home they are in. Regular visits from district nurses and social workers may help in many ways but Supporting People helps with the payment of bills, managing money and engaging with other services. This leads to the development of confidence and resilience in client groups. 


    The Supporting People Programme in Wales: Final Report, 2010 

  • The Welsh Government & Supporting People  

     The Welsh Government leads the Supported People Programme at a national level; they issue guidance on how the programme should be run locally, oversee commissioning decisions and have recently reviewed the programme.




  • Our Mission  
     "To make the Vale a safe and healthy place in which individuals, children and families can live their lives to the full"
  • Our Vision  

     "To meet the needs of individuals and communities by providing quality services, in partnership with others, which respects diversity and promotes independence"



The Supporting People Team

Supporting People administers grant funding to service providers to deliver a range of housing related support services which can include:

  • Mapping existing housing related support services

  • Planning and shaping future service provisions 

  • Monitoring and reviewing exisitng services 

  • Evidencing the need and demand for housing related support services 

  • Evaluating the 'outcomes'achieved 

  • Listening to service users views 

  • Ensuring service providers comply with grant and contract requirements 

Supporting People administers grant funding to service providers to deliver a range of housing related support services which can include:


  • Shared temporary accommodation and housing 

  • Supported housing 

  • Sheltered housing 

  • Crisis intervention 

  • Low level and ongoing support 



  • Floating support 

  • Community alarm service 

  • Homeless preventative work 

  • Direct access accommodation, including hostels and domestic abuse refuges


Supported People 'Outcomes'

‘Outcomes’ is the term used to describe the collection of information about the ‘distance travelled’ by a service user; what they have achieved and the skills they have developed as a result of the housing related support they have received.



  • The Development of Supporting People Outcomes 
     The Welsh Assembly asked the national Supporting People Information Network (SPIN) in 2008 to look at developing a National Outcomes Framework for Supporting People services in Wales.


    The majority of Supporting People service providers were already collecting outcomes for their services and the intention behind developing a national core set of outcomes was not to create additional administrative burden, but to collect information that is already recorded in service users’ support plans and present it in a way which reflect the benefits of the service.


    Supporting People in Wales aimed to develop a national outcomes framework which complements the service providers existing practice whilst not making things more difficult.


    The national Supporting People outcomes framework was developed in conjunction with Supporting People teams, service providers, Cymorth Cymru and stakeholders.

  • Key Principles  
     People have the right to aspire to safe, independent lives within their community and the financial security and health to enjoy that community.


    People differ in the barriers they face in achieving these aspirations. Housing related support seeks outcomes for people that are steps on the way towards these ultimate aspirations.


    Outcomes should be person centred, purposeful, negotiated and agreed with the individual and, if appropriate, with their advocates, supporters or carers through the support planning process.


    Outcomes will be achieved through support interventions that resolve identified need and enable maximum possible control, involvement and understanding for an individual across the outcome areas.

  • What are Supporting People Outcomes?  
     The Supporting People outcomes are collected for individual service users, they are then collated to provide ‘project outcomes’:


    The project is: Promoting Personal and Community Safety

    Because people are:

      - Feeling safe

      - Contributing to the safety and well-being of themselves and of others


    The project is: Promoting Independence and Control

    Because people are:

      - Managing accommodation

      - Managing relationships

      - Feeling part of the community


    The project is: Promoting Economic Progress and Financial Control

    Because people are:

      - Managing money

      - Engaging in education/learning

      - Engaged in employment/voluntary work


    The project is: Promoting Health and Wellbeing

    Because people are:

      - Physically healthy

      - Mentally healthy

      - Leading a healthy and active lifestyle


    The national outcomes framework is currently being piloted in a number of Welsh Local Authorities including the Vale of Glamorgan Supporting People team. The pilot will be reviewed regularly with the intention of eventually being rolled out across all SP funded services in Wales.


The aim of the Supporting People programme and therefore housing related support services is, through the provision of support, to:

  • enable vulnerable people to increase or maintain their independence,
  • prevent people from becoming homeless,
  • meet the needs of people who have experienced homelessness,
  • meet the needs of people who may be threatened with homelessness in the absence of housing-related support
  • maintain individuals' tenancy and accommodation.


Housing Related Support

Housing related support can be accessed in an accommodation based services or via floating support.

Housing related support services are complementary to a variety of existing care, support, mediation and advice services; they should work alongside and co-operate with these services but also recognise that they are unique in the support they provide. View a list of the Vale Tenancy Support Services.


Supporting People has developed a Directory of Services which details all of the housing related support services available in the Vale of Glamorgan. This directory is for anyone who needs advice or information.


Housing related support services are led by the service users identified needs and are outcome focused.

Housing related support services can be delivered to the following client groups:


  • People fleeing domestic abuse (female and male service users)
  • People with a learning disability
  • People with mental ill-health
  • People with an alcohol dependence
  • People with a drug dependence
  • Refugees with support needs
  • People with physical disabilities
  • Young people
  • Ex-offenders and those at risk of offending
  • People who are homeless or potentially homeless
  • People with chronic illness
  • Vulnerable parents
  • Older people
  • Gypsy travellers


Floating Support

Floating support is support delivered to the service user in their own home by a support worker. There are services available for tenants and home owners.


How do I apply for this service?

You can refer yourself or ask someone else to refer you for floating support.


If you decide you would like to be referred to a floating support service then you will be asked to complete a form, either by yourself or with our assistance. This will enable the team to ascertain that you do require support and which Support Provider is best suited to deal with your needs.


If you wish to refer yourself please contact Supporting People to request a hard copy of the Housing Related Support referral form. Or you can download it here:



Please complete the above form and return to the Supporting People Team at the address below. 


If you are involved with the homelessness service your allocated Homelessness Officer will complete a referral on your behalf.

Alarm Service 

The council operates an emergency alarm scheme. This provides support to people in their own homes with the help of technology and community response services. Council tenants can access additional services at a cost – find out more about our Telecare Alarm Services 


Supporting People Team

Public Sector Housing

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU

  • 01446 709793