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£20k funding for improvements to Arcot Triangle

Arcot Street Triangle has been identified as location where high quality art or works could benefit the public open space.


  • Tuesday, 08 January 2019

    Vale of Glamorgan

The Council has invited residents of Penarth to attend a workshop to consider the potential for Public Art within Arcot Triangle.

The session will provide a basis to gather information and to discuss ideas for this space and how public art could feature, in keeping with the local area.

Residents are invited to attend the workshop at Paget Rooms on the evening of 16 January, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm to share their ideas.

Recently the area has benefitted from new benches, flower beds and landscaping thanks to the Arcot Triangle Gardening Group. It is intended that further improvements would complement this work. 

The Council has received a Section 106 contribution for Public Art from the developer of Penarth Heights, Crest Nicholson. 

‘Public Art’ encompasses a vast spectrum of art practices and forms. Following the session a brief will be prepared and tendered by the Council.