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Planning and Building Control

Information and advice about our planning and building control process including national and local policies and our planning and building control applications register.





Information and support about the planning process:

  • Latest Planning News

  • Seek Pre-Application Advice

  • Make a Planning Application

  • View or Comment on Planning Applications

  • Planning Policy 

  • Planning Enforcement

  • Heritage

  • Appeals

  • Planning Committee

  • Trees and Hedges

  • Green Infrastructure

  • Planning Permission

  • Contact Information


Building Control


Building Control

Information and support about the building control process:

  • Online Submissions and Building Control Register

  • Regulations

  • Guidance 

  • Report a Dangerous Structure

  • Vale of Glamorgan Buisness Excellence Awards

  • Party Walls

  • Building Control Contacts


Do I need Planning Permission?

Planning permission is required for all new building, engineering or mining works or where a material change of use is proposed to land or buildings unless the works are permitted development, however, there may be some exceptions. 


Find out if you need Planning Permission