Youth Service
Our Vision
“Young people represent our most valuable resource; we will offer personal, social, emotional, cultural and educational opportunities during transition into adulthood.
We will implement a rights-based approach to empower young people to make informed and positive choices to enable them to become ambitious and creative contributors; informed citizens; and healthy and resilient individuals."
The Vale Youth Service provides informal and non-formal opportunities to young people aged 11-25 across the Vale of Glamorgan to support them in achieving their full potential. We provide safe environments for young people to enjoy themselves and meet others; feel valued; access information and support; and learn new skills.
If you have any questions please contact:
Our Aims:
Strive to deliver high quality, innovative youth work provision through a continued professional development offer for our youth work staff and volunteers.
Establish projects and work in partnership with voluntary and third sector organisations, local authority services, town councils and schools in the Vale of Glamorgan to ensure young people have access to high quality provision.
Provide opportunities for young people to develop decision-making skills in matters which affect them, their peers and their communities.
To celebrate the achievements of young people and their contribution to their communities.
The Youth Work Strategy for Wales states that youth work offers young people opportunities for learning that are educative, expressive, participative, inclusive, and empowering. Youth work in Wales is based on the voluntary engagement of young people as empowered partners. It starts at whatever point young people are in their lives, recognises and seeks to develop and realise their potential, and is committed to equality and inclusion. The key principles which underpin youth work in Wales are set out in the Principles and Purposes document.
Our Offer:
The Service has a diverse range of youth work interventions on offer within schools and the community. This is delivered through various means:
Youth clubs
Mobile street-based service and outreach
After school clubs
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
Welsh Language youth provision
Participation projects and rights work
International Youth Work and Youth Exchanges
Accredited courses for young people
Digital activities
Outdoor and bushcraft activities
Support community events
C-Card scheme
Targeted one-to-one support and bespoke interventions
Broker EOTAS provision
Offer Youth and Community Work and Mental Health First Aid courses
The Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales:
The Vale Youth Service renewed the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales: Bronze Level in May 2021. This award recognises that our work is continually underpinned by a sound range of policies and enables young people to learn and develop personal and social skills.
We also achieved the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales: Silver Level in October 2022. The Silver Level focuses on ensuring that youth work recognises and promotes inclusive practice; celebrates equality and diversity; ensures that provision is planned to meet young people’s needs; ensures that activities make an impact on young people and their outcomes; and is delivered by an appropriately experienced and qualified workforce who involve young people in decision-making.
The Vale Youth Service achieved the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales: Gold Level in December 2024. The Gold Level of the Quality Mark focuses on the strength of partnership working, the use of management information and the creative use of resources in meeting the needs of young people. It also recognises achievements and celebrates young people’s development, and the impact youth work and youth workers have made on the personal journey of their young people.
The Quality Mark is a unique tool for self-assessment, planning improvement and gaining a quality mark for youth work. It supports and recognises improving standards in the provision, practice and performance of organisations that deliver youth work, demonstrating and celebrating the excellence of their work with young people.

Curriculum Plan:
We have developed a Curriculum Plan outlining our youth offer in the Vale of Glamorgan. It confirms our commitment to providing Vale young people with a quality curriculum whilst focussing on meeting the needs and priorities of young people, their families and communities. You can view our Curriculum Plan below.