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Council sets out its plans for a brighter future for Vale residents

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has published its draft Corporate Plan which sets out how services will be delivered over the next five years.


  • Tuesday, 22 October 2019

    Vale of Glamorgan

With a strong emphasis on working in partnership to improve local well-being, the aim of the plan is to achieve the Council’s vision for ‘Strong Communities with a Bright Future’.


The plan has been developed by looking at a range of information, including how the population will change and the services the Council currently delivers and how these will need to be delivered in future. 


The plan contains four draft objectives which are:


  • To work with and for our communities;
  • To support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth;
  • To support people at home and in their communities; and
  • To respect, enhance and enjoy our environment. 


Councillor Neil Moore, Leader of the Council said, “for the past five years the Vale of Glamorgan Council has been the top performing local authority in Wales, but there are always things that we could improve on. We have taken an innovative approach to the way we work, and the results are testament to the Council’s staff, elected members, partners and our communities. 

“Looking ahead, we are open to new ideas and ways of working at a time where demands on Council services continue to grow. By working with our communities and partners I am confident that we can achieve the goals we have set ourselves in this plan.”

The Council is launching a public consultation on the draft plan which is due to be in place from the Spring of 2020 – 2025. An annual delivery plan will support the plan and set out how each of the objectives will be achieved. 

For more information and to respond to the consultation please visit the Council’s website.