Belle Vue Pavilion set for major upgrade
BELLE Vue Pavilion will be transformed into an ultra-modern community space if proposals for a major redevelopment are approved.
Plans for the building, which currently has no heating and limited accessibility, are shortly due for decision.
These have been amended recently following public feedback, with the size of the building reduced, meaning there will be less encroachment into open space to the rear.
Three trees would be removed to accommodate the development, though two have to be felled regardless as their roots are impacting the structure of the existing building. A number of new trees will be planted in the park to replace those that need to be cleared.

Should plans, drawn up in conjunction with stakeholders, including the Friends of Belle Vue, get the green light, a new specially-designed pavilion containing a host of modern facilities will be constructed.
It will feature a kitchen, multi-use hall, toilets, changing spaces, potential for a kiosk/café, outdoor seating area and much more.
Built with accessibility in mind, it will also house the first Changing Places space in central Penarth. That is a bespoke toilet area containing a range of equipment to help disabled users.
The project is being financed through Section 106 contributions from nearby developments and a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund.
As part of the proposals, the play area will also be upgraded to feature equipment suitable for children with a range of abilities and accessibility requirements.
Bella the Dragon, a popular sculpture, is also due to be renovated before being returned to an appropriate place within the park.

Cllr Kathryn McCaffer, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Arts and Culture, said: “In light of the building’s deteriorating condition, a series of consultations have been held since 2019 to explore opportunities for the future of the Belle Vue Pavilion and to gauge the views of residents and user groups.
“The consultation and engagement sessions have indicated that the existing building is an extremely valued facility by user groups, residents, pupils and parents at Albert Primary School as well as the wider Penarth community and visitors to Penarth.
“Proposals have been developed to reflect the needs of the multiple existing and potential future users of the community building. Plans have been submitted to Council's Planning Department, meaning people will have the opportunity to share their views as part of the statutory planning process.
“I’m thrilled by the prospect of revamping Belle Vue Pavilion and play area. We believe this building can be a real asset for residents and visitors alike.”