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The Vale triumphs at the Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Board’s Safeguarding Recognition Awards 

The Vale of Glamorgan Council was recognised for its ‘Exceptional commitment to the safeguarding of children’ at the recent Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Board Recognition Awards. 


  • Friday, 25 November 2022

    Vale of Glamorgan

EFSM CertificateHeld on Friday 18 November, this year’s awards comprised of five categories that celebrated an array of outstanding contributions to safeguarding and recognised those who have had a real impact on people’s lives.

The Vale’s Free School Meals Team (EFSM) proudly took the award for ‘Exceptional commitment to the safeguarding of children’. 

Other winners were Cardiff Council’s Adams Court, recognised for ‘Exceptional commitment to the safeguarding of adults at risk’; Clare Davies from the Probation Service, winner of the ‘Innovation and improving practice in safeguarding’ category; Matthew Dunstan from Cardiff Metropolitan University, recognised for Excellent contribution to safeguarding practice’ and Kate Roberts and Wendy Simmonds from the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s Primary community and intermediate care team (PCIC) who won the ‘Significant wider community safeguarding’ category.

The awards, presented by the co-chairs of the Safeguarding Board, Lance Carver and Tracey Holdsworth, alongside Superintendent Tim Morgan from South Wales Police and Director of Cardiff Children’s Services, Deborah Driffield were a fitting finale to National Safeguarding Week.

Coordinated by Regional Safeguarding Boards throughout Wales, the week aims to raise awareness among the community and professionals and reinforce existing messages around safeguarding children and adults at risk. Alongside a national programme of events, the Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Board arranged a programme of workshops and conferences for residents and professionals.


Councillor Eddie Williams, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet member for Social Care and Health, said: “I was delighted to be invited along to the Cardiff and Vale Safeguarding Board’s Safeguarding Recognition Awards.

“This year’s nominations portrayed the dedication of so many local services and organisations to safeguard our communities and I was pleased to see them awarded for their efforts.

“Safeguarding informs much of the Council’s work and is essential in protecting our residents so I was thrilled to see the Vale win an award.

“Congratulations to this year’s winners and runners up!”