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Scrutiny and Task and Finish Reviews 

Reviews in the Vale are undertaken by means of either a desk top review, a full in-depth review or a task and finish review and are supported by officers from Democratic and Scrutiny Services and the Improvement and Development Team.


A task and finish working group review is undertaken by a small group of Members who are requested to carry out a specific piece of work within a limited timescale.  A full review is when a particular subject is investigated in-depth. 


A review may involve:

  • oral and written evidence from key stakeholders;

  • consider current performance and notable research;

  • best practice by other service providers;

  • talking to policy makers, managers and consumers; and

  • look at service delivery on the ground in order to develop recommendations for improvement.   


When a review or task and finish working group report is completed, the relevant Scrutiny Committee will agree upon its conclusions and recommendations and outline these in a report which is presented to the Cabinet requesting that it responds to the issues raised within the report. 


A number of in-depth and task and finish working group reviews have been undertaken by the Vale’s Scrutiny Committees but in line with the Council's Retention Schedule some of these have been deposited at Glamorgan Archives.  As and when further in-depth or task and finish work groups reviews take place, these will be made available on the Council's website.