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Business Rates Relief

Please see Business Wales for detailed information regarding Business Rates Relief and supporting guidance documents.


Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales – 2024-25

All eligible businesses must apply if they wish to receive Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales for 2024-25.

Apply for Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief 2024-25

Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales – 2023-24

All eligible businesses must apply if they wish to receive Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales for 2023-24.

Apply for Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief 2023-24

Mandatory Charitable Rate Relief:

Registered charities and registered Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) can apply for charitable relief. If your charity is entitled to this relief you will receive a mandatory 80% reduction on your rates bill.


Discretionary Rates relief:

'Not for profit' organisations can apply for discretionary rates relief and receive up to 100% relief on their rates bill. The level of relief given will depend on the type of organisation you are.

The types of organisations that can benefit from this are:

  • Amateur sports clubs and grounds
  • Community centres and halls
  • Welfare and educational community centres
  • Youth organisations
  • Arts, music, religious, philanthropic groups

To apply for mandatory and/ or discretionary rate relief please download, complete and  return the following form with supporting evidence (contact details at the bottom of this page):  


Mandatory/ Discretionary Application Form

Small Business Rate Relief:

Most occupied Business premises with a rateable value up to £6,000 will receive 100% relief and those with a rateable value between £6,001 and £12,000 will receive relief that will be reduced on a tapered basis from 100% to zero.


Small business rates relief
 Illustration of approximate Rateable ValuePercentage of tapered % Relief
 0-6,000  100
 7,000  83.4
 8,000  66.6
 9,000  50.0
 10,000  33.3
 11,000  16.6

Small business rates relief is limited to two premises per ratepayer with effect from 1st April 2018 per local authority. It is the responsibility of the ratepayer to advise the Council if they are currently receiving more than two instances of Small Business Rate Relief in relation to any properties they are responsible for paying business rates on. To report a change of circumstances you can get in touch with the Council.

Empty Properties:

Unoccupied non-domestic properties may be liable to empty property rates which are charged at 100% of the normal liability. Liability begins after the property has been empty for 3 months or, in the case of factories and warehouses, after the property has been empty for 6 months. Certain types of property are exempt from empty property rates.

Please notify the Council as soon as the property becomes vacant and when it becomes re-occupied.


Part occupied properties (S44A)

Properties which are partly occupied may apply via their local council to the valuation office to have the rateable value apportioned to reflect the occupied and unoccupied areas.


To apply for S44A relief please download, complete and return the following form with supporting evidence (contact details at the bottom of this page):   

S44A application form


Problems paying your Business Rates?


Business rates is a bill that must be paid. However, if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact (details at the bottom of this page) the business rates department to discuss. We may be able to come to a payment arrangement that you can afford.

Contact the Business Rates department


Email is the quickest method of contact:


  • 01446 709299

Please note, you may go through to an answerphone machine, please leave a message with your name, number and the nature of your query and someone will return your call.



Non-Domestic Rates
Exchequer Services
Civic Offices
Holton Road
CF63 4RU