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Babies Love Books

Everyone is very welcome at any of the libraries in The Vale of Glamorgan - and that certainly includes the very young. Libraries are no longer very quiet places so please don't worry that your baby will be too noisy.


Here in the Vale of Glamorgan, we recognise the importance of introducing your child to the world of books as early as possible.  The following activities are designed to ensure that children under 5years enjoys their visit.  All our children’s books and story tapes are free to borrow and our activities are also free of charge!  Our activities include: 

  • Bookstart Book Crawl
  • Storytime - Story and craft for 2-5 year olds
  • Amser Stori - Welsh medium storytimes for babies and children ages 0-4 years
  • Rhyme and Sign - Singing sessions using baby signing ages 12mths-4 years
  • Bounce and Rhyme - Singing sessions for children aged newborn-12 months


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Bookstart Book Crawl

At each visit, your child is awarded a sticker and after six visits he/she receives a certificate and a book. 


At the 9 month developmental check Health Visitors present a Bookstart bag (containing two board books, advice on sharing books with your baby, a nursery rhyme place mat and an invitation to join the library) to parents and carers. 


This is followed up at the two-year health check by an Early Years pack (containing two books, advice on sharing books with your toddler, a colouring book, crayons and a number frieze). 


Bookstart website