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Healthy-Schools-Vale-Network-logoHealthy Schools Scheme

The Vale of Glamorgan Healthy Schools Scheme is part of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme. 

The aim of the scheme is to promote and protect the physical, emotional and social health and well being of children and young people in The Vale of Glamorgan. 


The scheme covers 7 topic areas:


Food and fitness

Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being




Substance Misuse

Personal Development and Relationships


Within each of these areas, schools are required to demonstrate they have reached high standards of practice. The National Quality Award of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme is awarded to schools that have achieved the highest standards in all seven areas.  All maintained nursery, primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units as well as Headlands Action for Children School participate in the Vale of Glamorgan Healthy Schools Scheme. 



The underlying principles of the scheme are:

  • The importance of pupil participation in core areas of school life which affect health and well-being
  • The importance of the understanding and commitment of the whole school community
  • A positive approach to health

Schools are supported to deliver activities and programmes that reflect national priorities set within a framework of:

  • Leadership and communication
  • Curriculum 
  • Ethos and environment
  • Family and community involvement


Welsh network of Healthy Schools Scheme National Quality Award


The National Quality Award is awarded to schools that have achivement the highest standards in all 7 healthy schools aspects of health and well-being.








For further information about the Vale of Glamorgan Healthy Schools Scheme please contact: 


@YsgolionFro @SchoolHealthVoG


Catherine Perry, Senior Public Health Specialist