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Social Services Complaints

The Vale of Glamorgan social services are committed to providing a quality service to children, young people and adults who have care and support needs. We recognise however that things do go wrong and on occasions do not meet our expected standard. 

If you need this information in another language or in a different format, please contact us.


Social care complaints are considered in line with the procedures set out by Welsh Government:


We aim for high standards but sometimes things do go wrong. We will only be able to help you and try to put things right if you tell us you are unhappy. Don't be afraid to complain. We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, because they may help us to improve our services for everyone.


We can only look at complaints that are raised within 12 months of the matter of concern coming to your attention unless there are exceptional circumstances. Depending upon the nature of your concern your complaint may be dealt with under another process, for example, where someone may be at risk. Any decision to investigate your concern under an alternative process will be communicated to you.


We cannot look at complaints where an investigation may jeopardise a police investigation or an investigation is being undertaken by the Care Inspectorate Wales.


Also, we wont look at a complaint where you indicate that you are taking legal action or where there are legal proceedings.


  • How to be heard
    Any member of the public, including a child, who has received, or was entitled to receive a service from Social Services, may make a complaint.


    You can make a complaint on behalf of someone else, where that person:

    • Is a child
    • Has requested you to act on their behalf
    • Lacks capacity
    • Has died
  • What is a complaint? 
    A complaint is:


    • An expression of dissatisfaction or concern
    • Either written or spoken or made by any other communication method
    • Made by one or more citizen who has received services or is receiving services or advocating on behalf of a citizen that is or was receiving services. 
    • About a public service provider’s actions or lack of action; or
    • About a standard of service provided

    A complaint is not:

    • An initial request for a service
    • A formal review or appeal against a decision or determination
    • A means to seek change to legislation, court order or a ‘properly made’ policy decision
    • A means for lobbying groups / organisations to seek to promote a cause
  • How to submit a complaint 

    There are a number of ways to submit a complaint. Citizens can raise a complaint through our webform or they can contact us directly:





  • Getting help to raise your concern 

    If a citizen needs help to raise a concern, Llais – your voice in health and social care can help them do this. Llais is an independent body, and its free Advocacy service can provide information, advice and support to members of the public who may wish to raise a concern.


    Llais can support citizens to raise a concern and give advice on the most appropriate course of action. Citizens can contact your local Llais office at the following address:


    Advocacy Service

    Llais – Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan

    Pro Copy Business Centre (Rear)

    Parc Ty Glas



    CF14 9DE 



  • If the complaint is not resolved

    If your complaint is not resolved at the Formal investigation stage, you have the right to complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales: 



  • How to submit a compliment 

    We also provide a service whereby citizens and professionals can give feedback on exceptional service by our Social Services staff and can take the opportunity to give thanks. This enables us to celebrate good practice and feedback on what is working well in the service to inform us moving forward.

    Citizens and professionals can submit a Compliment through our webform or email:




  • Further information 

    It is your right to complain if you are not happy with the quality of the services you receive, and it is our duty to look into your complaint and try to resolve it.




Complaints Officer

Social Services Directorate

2nd Floor, Dock Offices

Barry, CF63 4RT