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Employment, Apprenticeships and Internships

Find information on employment, apprenticeship and internship opportunities in the Vale of Glamorgan.


If college or university isn't for you, there are other opportunities available, both locally and across the country.  You can go straight into employment, or undertake training while working through an apprenticeship, or gaining experience through an internship.


If you need careers support, please visit our other page for careers and employability advice.


Careers and Employability Guidance



Employment Opportunities in the Vale of Glamorgan


The Vale of Glamorgan has a wide range of employment opportunities that can be applied for.


The links below for Jobs in Wales and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show current vacancies within the Vale of Glamorgan area.


Jobs in Wales - Vale of Glamorgan Jobs     DWP - Vale of Glamorgan Jobs





Apprenticeships are jobs that include training towards a qualification, allowing you to earn a wage while you learn.


Careers Wales and UCAS have further information on apprenticeships and searchable databases of apprenticeship opportunities.  Click on the links below to find out more!


Careers Wales - Apprenticeships    UCAS - Apprenticeships





Internships allow you to gain valuable skills in specific sectors, through a work experience placement that generally lasts up to 12 weeks.


Careers Wales and UCAS have further information on internships and signposting to searchable databases of internship opportunities.  Click on the links below to find out more!


Careers Wales - Internships    UCAS - Internships



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