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Minutes of a meeting held on 20th July, 2017.


Present:  L. Burnett (Chairman), Mrs. S.M. Hanks, N.P. Hodges, L.O. Rowlands and Mr. A. Jolley (Lay Member).



(a)       Minutes -


The minutes of the meeting held on 7th July, 2017 were approved as a correct record.



(b)       Declarations of Interest -


No declarations were received.



(c)        Appointment of Independent Member to Serve on the Council’s Standards Committee - Criteria and Advert -


The criteria and advert as published were noted.



(d)       Exclusion of Press and Public -


RESOLVED - T H A T under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 4 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Act, the relevant paragraphs of the Schedule being referred to in brackets after the minute heading.



(e)       Part II Minutes -


The Part II minutes of the meeting held on 7th July, 2017 were approved as a correct record.



(f)        Interview for Appointment of Independent Member to Serve on the Council’s Standards Committee (Exempt Information – Paragraphs 12, 13 and 14)


The Panel interviewed three applicants for the position.  In addition, the Panel gave further consideration to an application and response received at interview on 7th July, 2017 from a fourth applicant.


RESOLVED - T H A T applicant H be recommended to the Standards Committee Appointments Committee for appointment, the term of office to be six years.


Reason for decision


Having considered the applications and the suitability of applicants to demonstrate the qualities and characteristics against the criteria as outlined in the advert

