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Agenda Item No 5

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Healthy Living and Social Care Scrutiny Committee:  11th September 2018

Report of the Director of Environment and Housing

Leisure Centre Changing Room Upgrading

Purpose of the Report

  1. To provide an update on the upgrade of Changing Room facilities at Penarth and Barry Leisure Centres.


  1. That Committee notes the information contained within the report.

Reason for the Recommendation

  1. To update Committee on the current position with the upgrade of the changing rooms at Penarth and Barry Leisure Centre.


  1. Approval for the refurbishment of changing rooms at Penarth and Barry Leisure Centres was granted by Cabinet on 26th September 2016.  The work was identified as priority following significant customer comments about the condition of the areas. The condition of the changing facilities was also highlighted in the customer satisfaction surveys conducted by both the Council and the Council's Leisure contractor, Legacy Leisure, as being the primary reason for potential customers not visiting the centres.
  2. Following approval of the funding an instruction was issued to the Council's Property section to undertake the work.  As the scale of the project was significant and of a specialist nature the appointment of external consultants to develop the design, tender documents and to project manage the works was identified as being essential.    This appointment process was unfortunately delayed due to a long term staff sickness issue within the Council. Following a tendering process to appoint multi-disciplinary consultants, AECOM were appointed to progress the project in July 2017.
  3. AECOM prepared detailed drawings and specifications and tendered the project based on the original feasibility study used to bid for funding for this project.  Whilst the original feasibility study was comprehensive, factors including timetabling the works to keep the Centres open during the project, the routes of existing services running through the changing rooms, structural engineering challenges and access difficulties to both sites for delivery and removal of materials, caused added complications to the project which in turn resulted in delays with the production of tender docs.
  4. Following the completion of the specifications, the work was tendered in accordance with Council procurement policy to a select list of 5 contractors generated through Constructionline (a pre-qualification process providing a randomised list of suitably qualified and competent contractors).  The return date for the tender was 20th March 2018 but only one submission was received.  Whilst this was compliant with the specification it was significantly over the budget allocated for the works.  The decision was therefore taken to re-tender the works on the Sell2Wales website allowing any interested organisation to bid for the works subject to them passing the Council's re-qualification questionnaire.   In excess of 50 contractors registered an interest in the project but only two tenders were received on 25th May 2018 one of these being the over budget original tender.
  5. Evaluation of the lowest tender took longer than anticipated due to the due diligence process required to ensure that specific proposals contained within the tender were achievable (i.e. the contractor proposed a faster delivery proposal and new working methods than those specified in the tender documents)  . The tender was slightly under budget and following several meetings with the Consultants (AECOM), Council Officers the preferred contractor, G. Oakley and Sons from Cowbridge were appointed to undertake the works.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Work is due to commence on site on update. A verbal update of progress will be provided at the meeting.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. The work currently progressing is forecast to be within budget.  It should however be noted that both Leisure Centres are in excess of 30 years old and therefore there are likely to be some variations as unexpected issues are likely to arise when ceilings are opened up and the full extent of the existing services are exposed..  The total sum approved for the refurbishment of both the Barry and Penarth changing rooms is £1.712m.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. The planned works on the changing facilities will also increase the energy efficiency of the sites.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. The contract for these works has been subject to legal approval.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no significant crime and disorder implications associated with this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The design of the new changing rooms has taken account of the Council's equal opportunity policies.  As part of this consultation has occurred with key groups.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Well-being Outcome 4: An Active and Healthy Vale:

Objective 7: Encouraging and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.

Work in partnership to deliver a range of activities through our leisure and community facilities and parks to increase levels of participation and physical activity.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is within the policy framework and budget.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. No ward member consultation has taken place as the Leisure Centres provide services for all the Vale's population and visitors.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

David Knevett, Operational Manager, Leisure

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager; Finance

Operational Manager, Property

Accountant and Environment and Housing

Legal - Committee Reports

Head of Neighbourhood Services and Transport

Responsible Officer:

Miles Punter, Director of Environment and Housing