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Agenda Item No. 6


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Healthy Living and Social Care Scrutiny Committee: 9th October 2018


Report of the Director of Social Services


Revenue and Capital Monitoring for the period 1st April to 31st August 2018


Purpose of the Report

  1. To bring to the attention of this Scrutiny Committee, the position in respect of revenue and capital expenditure for the period 1st April to 31st August 2018 regarding those revenue and capital budgets which form this Committee's remit.


It is recommended that:-

  1. Scrutiny Committee consider the position with regard to the 2018/19 revenue and capital monitoring.
  2. The progress made in delivering the Social Services Budget Programme is noted.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. That Members are aware of the position with regard to the 2018/19 revenue and capital monitoring relevant to this Scrutiny Committee.  
  2. That Members are aware of the progress made to date on the Social Services Budget Programme. 


  1. On 28th February 2018, Council approved the Revenue and Capital budgets for 2018/19 (minute nos. 746 and 745 respectively).  Reports monitoring expenditure are brought to this Committee on a regular basis.
  2. In setting the Social Services budget for 2018/19, the use of £330k from the Social Services Plan reserve was approved.

Relevant Issues and Options

Social Services Revenue

  1. As it is still early in the financial year, the forecast for Social Services is shown as a balanced budget.  However, there will be considerable pressure on this service in the coming year and this position may not be achieved.

Revenue Budget

Probable Outturn


     Favourable (+)

 Adverse (-)





Children and Young  People




Adult Services




Resource Mgt & Safeguarding




Leisure Services








  1. Children and Young People Services - The major issue concerning this service for the coming year will be the pressure on the children's placements budget given the complexities of the children currently being supported and the high cost placements some of these children require to meet their needs.  Work continues to ensure that children are placed in the most appropriate and cost effective placements, however in the context of this complexity of need and the national challenges in identifying placements, it is currently anticipated that this budget will overspend.  It should be noted that due to the potential high cost of each placement, the outturn position could fluctuate with a change in the number of children looked after and/or the complexity of need.  The service holds a reserve that could be accessed at year end to fund high cost placements if required. 
  2. Adult Services - The major issue concerning this service for the coming year will continue to be the pressure on the Community Care Packages budget.  This budget is extremely volatile and is influenced by legislative changes such as the National Living Wage.  At this early stage of the year, the outturn position is difficult to predict.  The service also continues to be affected by the pressures of continued demographic growth, an increase in the cost of service provision, the Community Care Packages budget will have to achieve further savings this year.  The service will strive to manage growing demand and will develop savings initiatives which may be funded via regional grants.  Welsh Government has continued to provide Intermediate Care Fund (ICF) grant to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to allow collaborative working between Health and Cardiff and the Vale Councils however the level of grant funding is not guaranteed on an ongoing basis.

Leisure Services Revenue

  1. Leisure Services - The Parks element of the revenue budget can no longer be reported separately, as operational, it is an integrated part of the new Neighbourhood Services.  It is therefore only possible to report the Leisure and Play element under this heading.  As Parks capital schemes are separately identifiable they will continue to be reported to this Committee.

2018/19 Savings Targets

  1. As part of the Final Revenue Budget Proposals for 2018/19, a savings target of £6.298m was set for the Authority.  Attached at Appendix 1 is a statement detailing all savings targets relating to this Committee. 
  2. Appendix 2 provides further detail of the savings within the Social Services Budget Programme.  The corporate programme board and project teams overseeing the plan will continue to monitor and ensure its delivery.  As in previous years, ongoing progress updates will to be reported to Committee as part of the overall financial monitoring report for the Directorate.
  3. It is anticipated this year that the saving target set will be achieved.


  1. Appendix 3 details financial progress on the Capital Programme as at 31st August 2018.
  2. Flying Start Ladybirds - A £90k Flying Start capital grant has been approved by Welsh Government and included in the Capital Programme using Emergency Powers approved on 19th July 2018.  The grant is to fund works to improve the outdoor learning area in the Ladybirds setting which is based in Holton Road Primary School.
  3. Colcot Pitches - Additional works have been undertaken to install CCTV at the site.  In order to fund this, it has been requested that £11k is vired from the Safe Routes in Communities Dinas Powys to Penarth via Cosmeston scheme which is anticipated to underspend this year.
  4. Cowbridge Leisure Centre Roofing - An emergency power was approved on 16th August 2018 for the installation of a solar voltaic system on the roof at Cowbridge Leisure Centre.  The Capital Programme has been increased by £91k for the installation and the costs will initially be funded from the Energy Management Fund.  Legacy Leisure, the operator of the Leisure Centre, will be charged for the energy it consumes and this will be reimbursed into the Energy Management Fund.
  5. Lougher Place Play Area - There is currently a budget of £166k for Lougher Place Play Area in the 2018/19 capital programme.  Delegated authority approved on 9th July 2018 increased the budget by £3k, using Community Facilities Section 106 contributions and this funding will be used to implement additional benches at Lougher Place play area and sports field.
  6. Ystradowen Sports Club - Delegated authority has been actioned on 1st August 2018 to include £16k into the Capital Programme to allow a contribution to be paid to Ystradowen Community and Sport's Association to support their Community Inclusion project which includes an extension to the village hall and the construction of a new petanque court at Parc Owain.  This will be funded from S106 monies.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. As detailed in the body of the report.  Changes in future service provision may have an impact upon staffing levels and due consideration will be given to the Council's employment policies and procedures.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no direct implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no legal implications.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no crime and disorder implications.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. There are no equal opportunity implications.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Effective monitoring assists in the provision of accurate and timely information to officers and Members and, in particular, allows services to better manage their resources.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. The report is in accordance with the Policy Framework and Budget.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. The appropriate Chief Officer has been consulted.  This report does not require Ward Member consultation.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Carolyn Michael

Operational Manager - Accountancy

Officers Consulted

Director of Social Services

Responsible Officer

Lance Carver, Director of Social Services