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Agenda Item No 16

The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Cabinet Meeting: 21st May 2018


Report of the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Leisure


Providing a Supported Living Service


Purpose of the Report

  1. To seek authority to retender the contracts relating to the provision of Supported Living Services for people with a learning disability and/or physical disability.


  1. To note the report in relation to commencing tendering procedures for the service. .

Reasons for the Recommendations

1.        The contract procedure matters will be considered under Part 2 of the Agenda.


  1. The Welsh Assembly Government's Statement on Policy and Practice for Adults with A Learning Disability sets out the elements that need to be considered when supporting people with a learning disability.  One element is the arrangement for community living, stating that 'an authority's goal should be for people with learning disabilities to have a genuine opportunity to live as others of the same age and play a full part in the society in which they live'.
  2. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 has 8 main parts for well-being.  Two of these are:
  • Being part of the community
  • Having a good home
  1. As part of their individual care and support plan, adults with a learning disabilities and/or physical disability, can be provided with supported accommodation that enables them to live as full members of the community and reduces the need for residential care.
  2. There are currently 28 properties, housing 77people with a learning disability and/or physical disability included in the supported living contract.  It is envisaged that a further two properties, each supporting 3 service users, will be added to the contract within the next 6 months.
  3. As at 2017 there are 2,400 people aged 18+ with a mild, moderate or severe learning disability within the Vale of Glamorgan.  This is set to rise to 2,450 by 2025, an increase of 2.1%.  In the Vale there is a decrease in the 18-24 and 45-54 age groups but an increase of 36% in the 75-84 age group and a 35% increase in the 85+ category. (Source: Daffodil).
  4. In years 2018 and 2019 there are a total of 9 young people leaving residential college with an additional 10 people currently living with families in the Vale who have approached the team requesting to be considered for accommodation when available.  Following assessment some of these people will have needs that can be met through Adult Placement, but some will require supported accommodation.  The principle of meeting accommodation needs for people with a learning disability as close to home as possible also places increasing demand for supported accommodation provision.  The Cardiff and Vale Closer to Home project is a multi-disciplinary group that meets to consider the needs of all adults with a learning disability who are currently placed out of county and whether appropriate accommodation can be sourced locally.
  5. The aim of the Closer to Home group is to:
  • Facilitate individuals returning to their local area and prevent people having to go out of area.
  • Provision of high quality care and support, with greater choice and involvement of individuals in their day to day lives and the community in which they reside.
  • Development of sustainable partnership working between health, social care, Cardiff and Vale Councils, people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
  1. In 2017, 2 people returned to live in supported accommodation in the Vale with transition discussions in place for 3 individuals to return to the Vale in 2018.
  2. In 2007, the Council undertook the first supported living tender exercise and, as a result, three providers were awarded contracts.  At the end of the contract period, the service was retendered in 2012 with 3 providers awarded contracts.  One of these providers has previously delivered services under the contract awarded in 2007.
  3. The current contract period ended in October 2017 and permission was sought to take up the option to extend the contract by a period of up to an additional two years.
  4. On both occasions, the contracts were jointly commissioned with the Supporting People team based in the Housing Directorate.  However, in order to ensure compliance with the Welsh Government's updated Supporting People Programme Grant (SPPG) terms and conditions, the housing related support service will be retendered separately from social care when these existing contracts end on 31st March 2019.  This will ensure that it can be clearly evidenced that only the housing related support functions based on the clients' needs are funded by the SPPG needs.  As a consequence the decision has been made to request that the contract be re-commissioned with a start date of 1st April 2019.
  5. The Council's Contract Standing Orders require that a contract with an estimated value of £75,000 or higher should be subject to an appropriate procurement process that ensures value for money, compliance with legislation governing the spending of public money, and protecting individuals from undue criticism or allegation of wrongdoing.  The retendering of the supported living service has been designed to ensure that these three principles are fulfilled.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. The Council's project management methodology will be utilised to support the project throughout its various stages from initiation to contract award and management.
  2. The initial contract period will be for 5 years, with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years.  Based on current service provision and issues detailed under Resource Implications, the annual cost of the service is likely to be in excess of £6.5m.  Due to the amount of the contract, the tender will be advertised on the Official Journal of the European Union, as well as the Sell2Wales website.
  3. The specifics of the contract procurement exercise in respect of this service will be considered under Part II of the agenda..

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. These will be considered under Part 2 of the Agenda.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no Sustainability and Climate Change Implications with regard to this report.

Legal Implications (to include Human Rights Implications)

  1. Advice from Legal Services has been sought regarding the procurement issues surrounding this proposal and further advice will be sought throughout the procurement process.
  2. It will be necessary for the Head of Legal Services to finalise and execute the contracts.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no crime and disorder implications as a direct result of this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The process will allow for interested parties from the independent and third sector to engage should they wish to do so.  Potential providers will be asked to supply evidence of their commitment to equal opportunities and the Welsh Language standards.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The work outlined in this report addresses the following corporate objectives outlined in the Corporate Plan 2016-2020:
  • Wellbeing Outcome 4:  An Active and Healthy Vale.
  • Objective 8 : Safeguarding those who are vulnerable and promote independent living.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This is a matter for Executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. Service users and representative organisations will be included appropriately as part of the procurement process.  We will strive to encourage service users to contribute to the assessment of the successful provider(s), for example being a member of the evaluation panels.
  2. In addition, current tenants in supported living schemes will be consulted with regarding any proposed changes to their provider.  This will be supported via the Learning Disability Care Management Team who will ensure effective transition plans are in place as required.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Healthy Living and Social Care

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Suzanne Clifton, Head of Adult Services


Officers Consulted

Operational Managers for Learning Disabilities and Mental Health, Locality Services, and Commissioning and Information

Head of Finance/Section 151 Officer

Legal Services

Responsible Officer

Lance Carver, Director of Social Services