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Agenda Item No 9

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cabinet Meeting: 17 September, 2018

Report of the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport

Jenner Road, Barry - Proposed Disabled Persons' Parking Place - Objection Report

Purpose of the Report

  1. To advise Members of objections received to the proposed installation of a disabled persons' parking place in Jenner Road, Barry and to propose appropriate action.


  1. That Cabinet consider and reject the objections for the reasons contained in this report and that the disabled persons' parking place is installed.
  2. That the objectors are advised of this decision.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To allow the Traffic Regulation Order to be made and implemented.  
  2. To confirm the Council's position.


  1. The Authority received a request for a disabled persons' parking place from the disabled resident of 134 Jenner Road, Barry. The applicant meets the current criteria as detailed in Council Policy for disabled persons' parking places.
  2. Under delegated authority the Head of Neighbourhood Services and Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport  gave approval to undertake statutory consultations and to give public notice of the Council's intention to install a disabled persons' parking place in Jenner Road, Barry. This approval was given on 13th April 2018.
  3. Four letters of objection were received during the statutory consultation period which are attached at Appendix A, B C and D for consideration.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Jenner Road is a long terrace street situated within a very highly populated residential area of Barry, which suffers from extraneous parking from residents due to multi vehicle ownership.
  2. In addition, Jenner Road is within close proximity to a local shopping facility and a primary school which generally increases the high demand for parking within this area.
  3. Parking surveys have been undertaken at various times throughout the day, evening and weekend and observations have confirmed the excessive demand for on-street parking at this location.
  4. The main point which has been raised by all four objectors is that the applicant has a partially built hard standing/garage to the rear of the property and if the applicant was to complete the construction it would provide them with an off street parking facility.
  5. The applicant has been contacted and has confirmed that due to ill health and family financial constraints they have not been able to start the construction of both the hard standing and garage and will not be able to undertake this in the near future.
  6. Attached, for information at Appendix E is a photograph showing the current area in question.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. The cost of making the Traffic Regulation Order and implementing the scheme is estimated at £1500, which would be met from the Traffic Management's operational budget 2018/19, and would utilise the Council's own resources.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no Sustainability and Climate Change Implications with regard to this report.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allows highway authorities to make and vary Traffic Regulation Orders to regulate the movement of vehicular traffic, restrict or prohibit certain classes of vehicle and to improve the amenities of an area.
  2. There are no Human Rights Implications with regard to this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. This proposal will help prevent potential disorder arising from the demand for on street parking.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The proposal will benefit all disabled blue badge holders living within the community.
  2. Any signage associated with this project will adhere to the requirements of the Council's Welsh Language Scheme.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The installation of the disabled parking bay is consistent with Well Being Outcome 4:  An Active and Healthy Vale and Objective of safeguarding those who are vulnerable and promoting independent living.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This is a matter for Executive Decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1.      The Ward Members were consulted on the proposal prior to and during the           statutory consultation period and no comments were received.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Environment and Regeneration.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Wendy Smith - Engineer Traffic Management.

Tel. No. 02920 673080

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager Legal Services

Accountant, Building and Visible Services

Responsible Officer:

Miles Punter - Director of Environment and Housing Services