Agenda Item No. 8
The Vale of Glamorgan Council
Standards Committee: 23rd November, 2017
Report of the Monitoring Officer
Standards Committee Forward Work Programme
Purpose of the Report
- To present to Members a Forward Work Programme for the remainder of this Municipal year.
That Members note the Forward Work Programme attached at Appendix 1 to this report and make any amendments or additions as required.
Reason for the Recommendation
To discuss and agree a Forward Work Programme.
- The role and function of the Standards Committee is:
(a) to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Councillors, Co-opted Members and church and parent governor representatives of the Council ;
(b) to assist Councillors, Co-opted Members and church and parent governor representatives of the Council to observe the Members' Code of Conduct;
(c) to advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members' Code of Conduct;
(d) to monitor the operation of the Members' Code of Conduct;
(e) to advise, train or arrange to train Councillors, Co-opted Members and church and parent governor representatives of this Council on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct;
(f) to grant dispensations to Councillors, Co-opted Members and church and parent governor representatives of this Council from requirements relating to interests set out in the Members' Code of Conduct;
(g) to deal with any reports from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal, and any report from the Monitoring Officer on any matter referred to that Officer by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales; and
(h) to exercise (a) to (g) above in relation to the Community Councils wholly or mainly in its area and the members of those Community Councils.
Relevant Issues and Options
- Attached at Appendix 1 to this report is a suggested Forward Work Programme for the January and March 2018 meetings of the Committee for Committee's consideration and approval.
- A Forward Work Programme for the Municipal year 2018/19 will be presented to the March 2018 Standards Committee meeting.
Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)
- There are no resource implications as a direct consequence of this report.
Sustainability and Climate Change Implications
- There are no sustainability and climate change implications as a direct result of this report.
Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)
- The Council has a duty to establish and maintain a Standards Committee as defined by legislation as set out in the Standards Committees Rules and Regulations 2001 and the Standards Committee (Wales) Amendment Regulations 2006.
Crime and Disorder Implications
- None as a direct result of this report.
Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)
- None as a direct consequence of this report.
Corporate/Service Objectives
- The report relates to the role of the Standards Committee as detailed in the Council's Constitution.
Policy Framework and Budget
- This is a matter for decision by the Standards Committee.
Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)
- The report does not require consultation to be undertaken.
Relevant Scrutiny Committee
- Not applicable
Background Papers
Contact Officer
Mrs. Karen Bowen, Democratic and Scrutiny Services Officer, Tel: 01446 709856
Officers Consulted
Responsible Officer:
Ms. D. Marles, Monitoring Officer