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Agenda Item No 5

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cabinet Meeting: 1st October 2018

Report of the Leader

Capital Monitoring Report for the period 1st April to 31st August 2018

Purpose of the Report

  1. To advise Cabinet of the progress on the 2018/19 Capital Programme for the period 1st April to 31st August 2018 and to request changes to the Capital Programme.


It is recommended :-

  1. That Cabinet note the progress made on the 2018/19 Capital Programme.
  2. That Cabinet notes the use of Delegated Authority in relation to the following:
  • Dinas Powys Primary External Learning Area/Internal Alterations - Include a new scheme with £35k in 2018/19 and £50k in 2019/20 funded from S106 monies.
  • St Richard Gwyn R/C High Boiler Upgrade - Vire £4k to the St Josephs Primary School Boiler Upgrade. 
  • Neighbourhood Services Asset Renewal - Allocation of £440k Asset Renewal budget to schemes as set out in paragraph 15 of the report.
  • Lougher Place Play Area - Increase budget by £3k funded by s106 monies.
  • Ystradowen Sports Club - Include a new scheme with £16k funded from s106 monies.
  1. That Cabinet notes the use of Emergency Powers in relation to the following:
  • Cowbridge Comprehensive Boiler Replacement - £39k transferred to this scheme from the Education Asset Renewal Contingency budget
  • St Richard Gwyn Curtain Walling Replacement - An increase in the budget by £22k to be funded by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Llandaff.
  • Flying Start Ladybirds - Include a new £90k scheme funded by Welsh Government grant
  • Cowbridge Leisure Centre Roofing - Budget increased by £91k funded by Energy Management Fund.
  • Building Stronger Communities - £30k included in the 2018/19 funded from the capital receipts.
  • Carbon Management Fund - Budget increased by £4k for Llanfair School Lighting scheme, funded from the Energy Management reserve
  1. That Cabinet approve the following changes to the 2018/19 and 2019/20 Capital Programme:-
  • Llansannor Extension - Carry forward £105k into 2019/20.
  • Victorian Schools - Carry forward £700k into 2019/20.
  • Unallocated Education Asset Renewal - Carry forward £200k into 2019/20 for works to Peterston School Roof.
  • Vehicle Replacement Programme - Carry forward £2m into 2019/20
  • Waste Grant - Include the £3.5m Welsh Government grant in 2018/19.
  • St Athan Sustainable Transport Improvement - Carry forward £143k into 2019/20.
  • Rhoose Sustainable Transport - Include a new scheme funded from £60k s106 funding in 2018/19.
  • Active Travel Mapping - Rename scheme Biglis Roundabout to Dinas Post Active Travel Route.
  • WelTag Stage Two Transport Network Appraisal for Dinas Powys - Rename scheme  Weltag Studies.
  • Colcot Pitches - Vire £11k from the Safe Routes in Communities Dinas Powys to Penarth via Cosmeston to the Colcot Pitches scheme in 2018/19.
  • Coastal Asset Renewal  - Vire the budget of £25k to the Barry Island shelter scheme in 2018/19.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To advise Cabinet of the progress on the Capital Programme.
  2. To advise Cabinet of the use of Delegated Authority.
  3. To advise Cabinet of the use of Emergency Powers.
  4. To allow schemes to proceed in the current and future financial year.


  1. Council on the 28th February 2018 minute no 745 approved the Capital Programme for 2018/19 onwards.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Appendix 1 details financial progress on the Capital Programme as at 31st August 2018.
  2. For all schemes where it is evident that the full year's budget will not be spent during the year, the relevant officers are required to provide an explanation for the shortfall and this shall be taken to the earliest available Cabinet.

Learning and Skills

  1. Dinas Powys Primary External Learning Area/Internal Alterations - Delegated authority was given on 23rd July 2018 to approve the inclusion of £35k in the 2018/19 capital programme and £50k in the 2019/20 capital programme, funded from S106 monies.  The funding will be used to create an external learning area and improve access and to undertake internal alteration to enhance education provision.
  2. Cowbridge Comprehensive Boiler Replacement - The main boilers serving Block A had developed a major fault. It was decided that the most economical solution was to replace the boilers.  £39k has been transferred from the Education Asset Renewal Contingency budget to fund this work which was approved via emergency powers on 30th July 2018.
  3. St Richard Gwyn Curtain Walling Replacement - Following a tender process and an agreed bill of reduction, the lowest compliant tender resulted in a shortfall in the budget of £22k.  The Roman Catholic Diocese of Llandaff have agreed to fund this shortfall and an emergency powers was approved on 9th July 2018 to increase the scheme by this sum.
  4. Llansannor Extension - The design for the scheme is currently being finalised however work will not be able to start on site until the Easter holidays 2019.  It is therefore requested that £105k is carried forward into the next financial year.
  5. Victorian Schools - Works with a value of £690k are due to take place this year at 7 schools, some of which are already on site.  Due to the limited pool of stone masons and the onset of winter, no further contracts will be let this financial year.  It is therefore requested that £700k is carried forward into 2019/20. 
  6. St Richard Gwyn R/C High Boiler Upgrade - The boiler upgrade scheme at St Josephs Primary School is anticipated to exceed the approved budget however the boiler upgrade scheme at St Richard Gwyn High School is anticipated to be under budget. Delegated authority was approved on 4th July 2018 to vire £4k from the St Richard Gwyn scheme to the St Josephs Primary School scheme to allow both schemes to proceed.
  7. Unallocated Education Asset Renewal - It is proposed that this allocation is used to fund works to the roof at Peterston School.  It will not be possible to carry out the works through the winter months and it is requested that the budget is carried forward into 2019/20 for the works to be commenced.

Social Services

  1. Flying Start Ladybirds - A £90k Flying Start capital grant has been approved by Welsh Government and included in the capital programme using emergency powers approved on 19th July 2018.  The grant is to fund works to improve the outdoor learning area in the Ladybirds setting which is based in Holton Road Primary School.

Environment & Housing

  1. Vehicle Replacement Programme - The majority of this budget had been allocated for the purchase of new waste vehicles.  It is now planned that the vehicles will be purchased this year from grant and any further vehicles will be purchased in 2019/20 with the further roll out of the new waste collection service.  It is requested that £2m is carried forward to 2019/20.
  2. Waste Grant - Welsh Government have now approved grant funding of £3.5m to allow the Vale of Glamorgan Council to transition to a blueprint municipal waste collection service.
  3. Neighbourhood Services Asset Renewal - A delegated authority was approved on 3rd July 2018 to allocate £440k of the budget to the following schemes:-



Replacement of Jenner Park Roof


Community Centres Works


South Road Sully


Cross Common Bridge


Dinas Powys to Penarth via Cosmeston


Highways Structures Asset Renewal


Green Flag Parks


Parks Asset Renewal




  1. St Athan Sustainable Transport Improvement - The Council has been successful in applying for Active Travel grant from Welsh Government of £12k.  The grant will be used this financial year to carry out scheme design.  Works are anticipated to start on site in the next financial year and therefore it is requested that £143k is carried forward into 2019/20.
  2. Rhoose Sustainable Transport - S106 funding has been approved to provide walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure improvements within the village of Rhoose. At present, it is requested that £60k is included in the capital programme for 2018/19 to allow for design with further funding being available in future years to undertake the works.
  3. Active Travel Mapping - It is requested that this scheme is renamed Biglis Roundabout to Dinas Powys Active Travel Route to better describe the scheme.
  4. WelTag Stage Two Transport Network Appraisal for Dinas Powys - It is requested that this scheme is renamed Weltag Studies as it will also cover the M4 to Cardiff Airport studies.
  5. Colcot Pitches - Additional works have been undertaken to install CCTV at the site.  In order to fund this, it is requested that £11k is vired from the Safe Routes in Communities Dinas Powys to Penarth via Cosmeston scheme which is anticipated to underspend this year.
  6. Coastal Asset Renewal - A budget of £25k has been allocated to this scheme and it has now been proposed that this funding is added to the Barry Island shelter scheme to carry out remedial works to the structure.
  7. Cowbridge Leisure Centre Roofing - An emergency power was approved on 16th August 2018 for the installation of a solar voltaic system on the roof at Cowbridge Leisure Centre.  The capital programme has been increased by £91k for the installation and the costs will initially be funded from the Energy Fund.  Legacy Leisure, the operator of the Leisure Centre, will be charged for the energy it consumes and this will be reimbursed into the Energy Fund.
  8. Lougher Place Play Area - There is currently a budget of £166k for Lougher Place Play Area in the 2018/19 capital programme.  Delegated authority approved on 9th July 2018 increased the budget by £3k using Community Facilities Section 106 contributions and will be used to implement additional benches at Lougher Place play area and sports field.

Managing Director and Resources

  1. Building Stronger Communities - An emergency powers request was approved on 30th July 2017 to carry forward £30k of the unspent 2017/18 capital budget into the 2018/19 capital programme. This will be funded from capital receipts.
  2. Carbon Management Fund - An emergency powers request was approved on 16th July 2018 to increase this budget by £4,273 to allow lighting upgrade works to be undertaken at Llanfair Primary school and will be funded from the Energy Management reserve. The total cost of the scheme is £11,560 but the difference could be accommodated as part of the Salix scheme.
  3. Ystradowen Sports Club - Delegated authority has been actioned on 1st August 2018 to include £16k into the capital programme to allow a contribution to be paid to Ystradowen Community and Sport's Association to support their Community Inclusion project which includes an extension to the village hall and the construction of a new petanque court at Parc Owain.  This will be funded from S106.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. There are no direct financial implications of this report. 

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no sustainability and climate change implications.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no legal implications.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no crime and disorder implications.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. There are no equal opportunity implications.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Effective monitoring assists in the provision of accurate and timely information to officers and Members and in particular allows services to better manage their resources.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This is a matter for executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. Each Scrutiny Committee will receive a monitoring report on their respective areas, which will consider the relevant information relating to the respective Scrutiny Committee. This report does not require Ward Member consultation.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. All.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Capital Accountant

Officers Consulted

All Directors.

Responsible Officer:

Carys Lord

S151 Officer