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Agenda Item No. 4


The Vale of Glamorgan Council


Democratic Services Committee: 17th October 2018


Report of the Head of Democratic Services


Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) Draft Annual Report 2019/20


Purpose of the Report

  1. To apprise Members of the draft IRPW Annual Report for 2019/20.


  1. That the Committee consider the draft Report (in particular, any new determinations) and any comments from the Committee be forwarded to the IRPW.
  2. That a copy of the draft Annual Report be forwarded to Group Leaders, in the event their respective Groups or individual Members wish to submit comments.

Reason for the Recommendations

1&2  To provide the opportunity for the Committee, Political Groups and individual Members to consider the draft IRPW Annual Report and submit any comments on the same.


  1. The IRPW has recently issued its draft Annual Report for 2019/10.  The draft Report contained proposed changes to the IRPW Remuneration Framework including, a small increase in the basic salary and some significant changes in respect of Town and Community Councils.  The consultation period ends on 27th November, 2018 and the IRPW will then consider any responses submitted from consultees prior to the production of its final Annual Report in February 2019.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. The full draft Annual Report can be found at
  2. For ease of reference, the introduction to the Report is attached as Appendix A and the list of draft Panel Determinations for 2018/19 (Annex 1 to the draft Annual Report) is attached at Appendix B.
  3. Members will note from the information contained in the Foreword to the draft Annual Report reflects some of the issues that arose during its visits to 22 principal Councils last year.  The Panel has previously indicated that payments to Councillors have not kept pace with the original comparator the Panel used to establish an appropriate level of remuneration due to pressure on public expenditure.  The effect of this can be seen in the table and graph included in the draft Report at pages 9 and 10.
  4. Consequently, the Panel was now proposing a further modest increase in the basic salary of Elected Members of Principal Councils in an effort to prevent further erosion of Member remuneration.  The Panel was also for the first time in several years proposing a small increase in the remuneration of Leaders and Executive Members.
  5. In summary, it can be seen that the draft Panel Determinations include:
      • a proposed increase in the basic annual salary to £13,868 (an increase of 1.97%) (Determination 1);
      • a modest increase of £800 (inclusive of the £268 increase in the basic salary) (Determination 2);
      • reference to the Panel's continuing concern regarding the reluctance of Members to claim reimbursement of the costs associated with care; (See Annex 4 for the publication actions).  The Panel is urging Democratic Services Committees to take steps to encourage and facilitate the greater use of this provision so that Members concerned were not financially disadvantaged;
      • the Panel is continuing to contribute wherever possible to enhancing diversity in Local Government in Wales.  Through its determinations to take this step further the Panel had produced a leaflet for prospective candidates on the remuneration of Members of Councils;
      • the Panel has continued its engagement with Community and Town Councils and had met several representative groups earlier in the year.  The Panel has also convened four sessions with Council Clerks to provide an opportunity for clarification about administrative matters and as a result, they were now proposing further amendments to the Framework with the proposed related determinations set out in Section 13 of the draft Report (Determinations 37 to 45).
  1. The Council's Members' Allowances Scheme (as contained in the Council's Constitution) reflects the fact that the Council has resolved to abide by the determinations of the IRPW as set out in its Annual Report each year.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. In the event the proposed increases to Members' basic salary and the salaries of Leaders and Members of the Executive are incorporated within the final IRPW Annual Report, the overall cost of Members' Allowances within the Council would rise by £16,320 (should all Members accept the increases).

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no direct implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. There are no direct implications arising from this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no direct implications arising from this report.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. All Members will be entitled to receive any increase in the Basic Salary and the increase in respect of Leaders and Executive Members' Senior Responsibility Allowances.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. The Council is committed to providing the best possible support to Elected Members.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. As indicated above, the Council has resolved to abide by the determinations of the IRPW as set out in its Annual Report each year. 

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. This is an internal matter and consultation is, therefore, not necessary.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Corporate Performance and Resources

Background Papers

The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales draft Annual Report 2019/20

Contact Officer

Mr. Jeff Rees, Head of Democratic Services

Officers Consulted

Managing Director

Head of Legal and Democratic Services

Head of Finance

Responsible Officer:

Mr. J. Rees, Head of Democratic Services