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Helpful resources 

Information on supporting agencies and charities that can help with additional learning needs.


Children in Wales

Children in Wales is the national umbrella body for organisations and individuals who work with children, young people and their families in Wales. They:

  • Contribute to making implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child a reality in Wales

  • Fight for sustainable quality services and fair shares for all children and young people

  • Ensure special attention and treatment for children in need and those who are marginalised

  • Ensure children and young people have a voice


Family Information Service (FIS)

The Family Information Service (FIS) provides free advice and information on a wide range of childcare options and activities for children aged 0-20, their families and their carers. This includes information on nurseries, childminders, out of school clubs, playgroups and parent and toddler groups. FIS also provides help and advice on paying for childcare and working in childcare.


Learning Links Team

The Learning Links Team works in partnership with schools to challenge the under achievement of the most vulnerable learners in their settings.


  • 01446 709130

School-Based Counselling Service

A professional, independent counselling service for children and young people aged 9-19 living in the Vale of Glamorgan, provided by Barnado’s.


SNAP Cymru

SNAP Cymru offers free and independent information, advice and support on education for children and young people.


The Index

The Index provides information on services, support and activities for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs across the Vale of Glamorgan.


Inclusion Service

The Inclusion Service provides advice and support to schools, pupils and families on:

  • Attendance and Educational Welfare

  • Supporting Attainment and Wellbeing (AWE)

  • Elective Home Education (EHE)

  • Children Missing in Education

  • Out of School Tuition (OOST)

  • Employment and the entertainment sector


Child Health and Disability Team

A service, within Social Services, for children and young people, aged between 0 - 18 years, and who have permanent and substantial disabilities which have a moderate or serious impact on their day-to-day functioning.


Dewis Cymru

A website for well-being in Wales, with information on local and national services:


The All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers of people with Learning Disabilities

The All Wales Forum represents and supports the parents and carers of people with learning disabilities across Wales.