Will I have to pay for anything?
The Childcare Offer funds a maximum of 30 hours of early education and childcare per week. The funding from the government is for the education and care the professionals within the setting provide. It does not include food, transport or off-site activities that incur an extra charge and providers will be able to charge you for these.
Reminder: The Childcare Offer funds a maximum of 48 out of 52 weeks of the year and parents will be liable for any childcare used during the unpaid weeks. These will always be school holiday weeks
Can I use more than one childcare provider?
Yes, you can use up to TWO registered childcare settings per day in addition to your Nursery Education setting in any given day.
During the holiday period a child may therefore access a maximum of two registered settings under the offer.
How much childcare funding can I use during school holidays?
Children will be allocated 3 weeks of holiday provision per term.
- If a parent was eligible for 1 term - 3 weeks holiday provision;
- If a parent was eligible for 2 terms - 6 weeks holiday provision;
- If a parent was eligible for 3 terms - 9 weeks holiday provision;
- If a parent was eligible for 4 terms – 12 weeks holiday provision;
- If a parent was eligible for 5 terms – 15 weeks holiday provision.
Unused weeks from each term can be rolled into the next term including into a new academic year.
Holiday weeks cannot be used before they have been accrued.
Can I accrue my hours?
No. Parents will be provided with a total of 30 hours a week of combined Nursery Education provision and childcare with parents choosing how much of the 30 hours to use. Any hours not used in a week will be lost.
Any unused holiday weeks can be carried over and used in the next term, provided they are still eligible to receive the Offer.
What if my employment circumstances change?
Families may at times fall out of eligibility for the Offer if for example one or both parents lose their job or their hours are reduced below the minimum requirement. In order to provide stability for both children and childcare providers, and to give parents the opportunity to become eligible again, those families who fall out of eligibility will still be able to access the offer for a limited amount of time (8 weeks temporary exemption period).
It is the parent’s responsibility to inform both the Local Authority and the provider if their circumstances change.
Do I have to access Nursery Education to get the childcare funding?
No. You can still access the 17.5 hours per week of childcare funding in term time if you choose not to take up the 12.5 hours per week of nursery education funding.
However, childcare hours funded through the Childcare Offer do not increase if you do not take up your nursery education place.