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Agenda Item No 18

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cabinet Meeting: 30 July, 2018

Report of the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Leisure

Extension of Pilot Project: Accommodation for Homeless 16-21 year olds with Complex Needs

Purpose of the Report

  1. To obtain authority to extend the existing pilot project for accommodation for homeless 16 -21 year olds with complex needs for a further six-month period.


  1. That the Council extends the contract for the pilot project to the current provider for a further period of up to six months.
  2. That the Council's Contract Procedure Rules be waived to enable the extension of the contract without obtaining the minimum number of quotations prescribed so that the contract detailed in the report can be extended.
  3. That the Monitoring Officer/Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to agree and execute the form of the document evidencing the proposed extension.

Reasons for the Recommendations

1.        To provide and evaluate a new 24 hour highly supported accommodation facility for young people aged 16 - 21 years who have complex needs and are homeless.

  1. To authorise a waiver of the Council's Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Regulations.
  2. To formalise and evidence the proposed extension.


  1. On the 23rd January 2017, Cabinet approved a six-month pilot project for accommodation of homeless young people aged 16 -21 years with complex needs. The aim of the project was to increase accommodation options for young people who are homeless and young people leaving care who have high support needs.  The project aspired to prevent the use of unsuitable temporary accommodation, including bed and breakfast establishments.
  2. The pilot project is a partnership between Children and Young People Services, Housing, Supporting People and our Third Sector partners Llamau.  Following identification of a property and renovations to ensure it met all the appropriate regulations, the project opened in December 2017.  It provides accommodation for up to two young people at a time in a supported environment.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. The pilot project has ensured that we can safely support and accommodate complex young people and avoid using inappropriate accommodation for our most vulnerable. The pilot project has been monitored on a regular basis by the Contracting and Finance Team, Operational Managers in Children and Young People Services, representatives from Housing, Supporting People and Llamau.
  2. The project to date has successfully accommodated and supported two young people.  One has been supported to positively move on from the project into their own housing association flat.  She will continue to receive support from her Young Persons Advisor and a Tenancy Support Worker.  We have informed confidence that this young person will now be successful in maintaining her tenancy.  The other young person continues to live at the project.  Their start there has been positive  and we are hopeful in the next 3-4 months we will be able to consider whether this young person will be in a position to start bidding for his own tenancy.
  3. This model of accommodation appears to be working successfully and a third young person is due to enter the project imminently.
  4. The success of the pilot project to date supports the request to extend the pilot for a further six months and that Llamau continues to provide the project for this period. This would allow sufficient time to appropriately monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the project in terms of delivery, impact and outcomes for young people and operation within the assigned budget.  Prior to the end of the pilot period, a full tender process will be undertaken for any future service provision in this area, if that is the Council's preferred option.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. Costs for the pilot project will be jointly funded by Children and Young People Services and Supporting People.  It is anticipated that the extended pilot project will cost a further £65,964.  This is based on existing rates of pay for support workers plus managerial and organisational support costs in Llamau, Council Tax, utilities and rent.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no sustainability or climate change implications.

Legal Implications (to include Human Rights Implications)

  1. It will be necessary for the Monitoring Officer/Head of Legal and Democratic Services to agree and execute a form of extension.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. There are no crime and disorder implications for this pilot project.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The pilot project will deliver services in a manner that will:
  • be inclusive and accessible to young people with additional needs, such as learning disabilities, mental or physical ill health, dependence on substances, etc.
  • ensure that young people are assessed as individuals, with their unique strengths recognised, engage as partners in identifying those areas where they need help and support, and have a service tailored to meet their assessed needs.
  1. This report concerns young people aged between16 and 21 years and those leaving the care of the local authority.  Access to suitable accommodation and support may not be possible for all young people presenting as homeless or leaving care unless there is sufficient provision available.
  2. It is a requirement of the terms and conditions of the contract that the successful provider is committed to developing service users' choice in the use of the Welsh Language, as appropriate, in compliance with the Vale of Glamorgan Council's Welsh Language Scheme.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. This report is consistent with the following Corporate and Service Objectives of the Council:
  • To ensure that people have access to comprehensive information about Social Services and other forms of help and support, and are appropriately signposted to help and supported by proportionate assessments, care and support plans, and services which meet their individual assessed needs.
  • To have in place clear planning and programme management processes, which are identified in commissioning strategies and annual commissioning plans, and help to ensure an appropriate range of services that deliver equity of access, joined up services and best value from a variety of providers with defined, proportionate budgets directed to meeting service priorities.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This service is in line with the requirements of the Council's Corporate Strategy for Children and Young People in need of Care and Support.  This is a matter for Executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. Young people living in any part of the Vale of Glamorgan will be able to use this service and so no individual ward member consultation has been undertaken.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Healthy Living and Social Care

Background Papers

Cabinet Report dated 23.01.17.

Contact Officer

Rachel Evans, Head of Children and Young People Services

Officers Consulted

Karen Conway, Operational Manager, Children and Young People Services

Mike Ingram, Head of Service, Housing

Gaynor Jones, Operational Manager, Contracting and Finance

Carolyn Michael, Operational Manager, Accountancy

Helen Jones, Strategy and Supporting People Manager

Responsible Officer

Lance Carver, Director of Social Services