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Agenda Item No 11

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cabinet Meeting: 30 July, 2018

Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning

Welsh Government Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme 2018-21

Purpose of the Report

  1. To approve the South East Wales Regional Plan for Regeneration in respect of the details contained in relation to the Vale of Glamorgan.


  1. Cabinet approve the final Draft of SE Wales Regional Plan for Regeneration for submission to Welsh Government to facilitate delivery of the Welsh Government's Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme 2018-21.
  2. That Authority is granted to the Head of Regeneration and Planning to represent the Vale of Glamorgan Council on the Regional Regeneration Forum (made up of Directors and Heads of Service from partner Councils) and provide the views of the Vale of Glamorgan Council on any decisions taken by the Forum.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To ensure the Vale of Glamorgan Council is able to access the funding stream provided by Welsh Government's Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme.
  2. To authorise the Head of Regeneration and Planning to represent the Vale of Glamorgan Council on the Regional Regeneration Forum which will oversee delivery of the Regional Plan for Regeneration.


  1. This report provides an overview of the South East Wales Regional Plan for Regeneration.  The Plan (Appendix A) outlines the target areas, governance arrangements, thematic grant schemes and scope of activities possible under the Welsh Government's Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme, which covers the 3 years 2018/19 to 2020/21.  The Welsh Government has indicated £44m of funding to South East Wales for 2018-2021, with a maximum grant intervention rate of 70%.
  2. As part of the Welsh Government's Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme (TRIP), Welsh Government has required economic regions to work collaboratively to produce a regional plan for delivery.  This Plan has therefore been required and will be a means by which Welsh Government will assess and fund schemes throughout the region.  TRIP will seek to support projects that promote economic regeneration - creating jobs, enhancing skills and employability and creating the right environment for businesses to grow and thrive - with a focus on individuals and areas most in need to ensure prosperity is spread to all parts of Wales.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Vale of Glamorgan Council has led on the coordination and development of the Regional Plan for Regeneration on behalf of regional partners in the other nine authorities of Bridgend, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly, Newport, Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen and Monmouthshire, which, together with the Vale of Glamorgan make up the Capital Region area (SE Wales).
  2. The Regional Plan for Regeneration builds on the substantial experience and regeneration activities delivered through the previous Welsh Government Vibrant & Viable Places funding programme 2014-17.

Target Areas

  1. To maximise the impact of Welsh Government TRIP funding, it will be targeted in key locations across the region that have all been chosen because of their socio-economic profile, the complex range of challenges they face and opportunity to reverse decline through a portfolio of interventions. In line with this, the Regeneration Plan identifies three target areas for TRIP investment in Barry, which the Council will promote alongside other schemes and interventions included within the plan and promoted by partners.
      • Gateway Regeneration - The area is focussed around the primary shopping area along Holton Road and the access to it from Broad Street.  It is widely recognised by stakeholders and the community that investment is needed to sustain and further develop the economic role of the town centre and its hinterland.
      • Barry Island Regional Tourism Destination - for long-term financial viability, new operating models will be required to provide facilities that operate all year round rather than just in the main tourist season.  Further financial intervention will be sought to help unlock the potential of key sites including the possibility of partnering with the private sector to develop new or substantially refurbished leisure and tourism facilities.
      • Eastern Barry Community Hub - the majority of Barry's most deprived wards are located in the eastern part of the town.  Income and employment rates are significantly lower than the Cardiff Capital Region figures.  Working closely with the local community, major investment is needed to deliver a hub of community-focused services which seek to respond to the challenges of affordable housing provision and enhancing skills and employability.

Thematic Activities

  1. To address the key issues identified in the target areas, and deliver the aims and objectives of the Regional Plan for Regeneration, the following thematic areas for investment have also been identified as part of the plan:
  • Urban Centre Property Enhancement Fund (UCPEF) - to enhance building frontages and bring vacant commercial floorspace back into beneficial use.
  • Urban Centre Living Grant (UCLG) - to support the conversion of vacant commercial floorspace into homes


  1. Each Council will be responsible for local partner engagement, project development, project assessment and local financial and output monitoring.  Councils will report to a Regional Regeneration Framework (made up of Regional Regeneration Directors) which will have responsibility for project endorsement and outcome monitoring.  The Regional Regeneration Framework will provide regular updates to the City Region Joint Cabinet on spend and delivery.
  1. The Welsh Government is seeking a more regionalised approach to the administration of TRIP thematic projects so a single Council (yet to be determined) will manage the administration of the UCPEF and UCLG on behalf of the region. A management fee will be incorporated into the grant budgets, to facilitate management, administration and the regional function. Strategic project applications will be submitted directly to the Welsh Government by each local authority.

Next Steps

  1. Once the Regional Plan for Regeneration has been approved by all local authorities in SE Region, it will be formally considered by Welsh Government, endorsed by the Welsh Government's Regeneration Capital Investment Panel and submitted to Welsh Ministers for approval.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. Any match funding required to deliver the UCPEF and UCLG capital schemes will be met by external private sector investment and there is no requirement for the authority to make capital match contributions to these schemes.
  2. The Council will need to identify the necessary capital match funding (30%) for any strategic projects it wishes to progress.  However, this could be provided in whole or in part by the private sector.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. The projects are situated within Barry Town Centre, a sustainable mixed use urban area that is well located close to public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. Any projects or grant proposals developed and subsequently delivered or administered in partnership with internal or external organisations will be managed in-line with Service Level Agreements, adhering to the terms and conditions set-out in Grant Offer Letters and following Council policies.
  2. The Council will need to comply with the terms and conditions attached to the Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme grant funding.
  3. All contracts for works, goods and services necessary to deliver the projects must be procured in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules and the relevant EU Regulations as appropriate.  The contractual liabilities/obligations of the Council and any appointed contractors will be covered by the individual contracts entered into.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. None.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The Regional Plan for Regeneration has low impact on the public in general and on equality groups in particular. Grant schemes and strategic projects funded through TRIP will be subject to individual Equalities Impact Assessment screening.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. This project would assist the Council deliver the current Corporate Plan (2016 - 2020) by contributing to the following Outcome and Objective:
  2. Well-Being Outcome 2: An environmentally responsible and prosperous Vale.  The Vale of Glamorgan has a strong and sustainable economy and the local environment is safeguarded for present and future generations.
  3. Objective 3: Promoting regeneration, economic growth and employment.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is a matter for Executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1. No specific Ward Member consultation has been undertaken as it is Vale wide.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Environment and Regeneration.

Background Papers


Contact Officer

Marcus Goldsworthy, Head of Regeneration and Planning

Officers Consulted

Legal Services (Committee Reports)

Operational Manager Accountancy

Responsible Officer:

Rob Thomas, Managing Director