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Agenda Item No 12

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Cabinet Meeting: 5th November, 2018

Report of the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport

Crosshill, The Knap, Barry - 'Revocation of Prohibition of Waiting at Any Time' Parking Restriction

Purpose of the Report

  1. To advise of objections received to the proposed 'Revocation of Prohibition of Waiting at Any Time' parking restrictions in Crosshill, The Knap, Barry.


  1. That the objections are rejected for the reasons contained in this report and that the parking restrictions are revoked.
  2. That the objector is advised of this decision.

Reasons for the Recommendations

  1. To confirm the position in relation to the objections. 
  2. To enable the Order to be made.


  1. On 12th June 2018 the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport and Head of Neighbourhood Services and Transport gave approval to issue public notice of the proposed Revocation of Prohibition of Waiting at Any Time parking restrictions in Crosshill, The Knap, Barry. A copy of the report is reproduced in full in Appendix 'A'
  2. A ward member representing a number of residents that live on the development that is accessed via Crosshill, requested the revocation of the prohibition of waiting at any time parking restrictions that are currently in place in Crosshill, in order to provide parking opportunities for approximately four vehicles.
  3. The Block Management Department of Seal and Co, representing residents of "Sea Point "development also requested the revocation of the prohibition of waiting at any time parking restrictions that are currently in place in  Crosshill. The Council informed Seal and Co by letter, dated, 20th July 2017, that the Council was to develop a proposal to revoke approximately 30 metres on the southern side of Crosshill, the section that fronts No's. 1 to 5 "Sealawns". 
  4. The parking situation in the Knap area has recently been investigated, revealing that throughout the area there was a discrepancy between the approved Traffic Regulation Order of "No Waiting at Any Time" restrictions as detailed on the Council's legal Order records to that of the seasonal parking restrictions which appeared on street, resulting in the parking restrictions being unenforceable throughout the entire year. Consequently officers arranged for the removal of the seasonal restriction plates. The double yellow lines now convey the correct legal traffic Order.
  5. Public notice of the proposal was given on 9th August 2018, with objections being invited in writing by 31st August 2018.

Relevant Issues and Options

  1. Two objections were received by letter, copies of which are attached at Appendix 'B'. The main reason for the objections relates to the removal of parking restrictions on the southern side with a request for the removal of the parking restriction on the northern side, the details of which are highlighted below, together with the traffic officer's response.

Concern 1:

  1. Approximately 75% of traffic on Crosshill enters from Cold Knap Way ie. travelling west downhill, if parking is allowed on the South side this traffic will have to immediately swing to the wrong side of the road, please bear in mind this junction is a 90 degree bend with high wall blocking any view down Crosshill. Cars and vans parked on the south side will block any view of cars exiting the Sealawns/Seapoint car parks. By the same token cars exiting the Sealawns/Seapoint car parks will not be able to see cars approaching from the right, this will particularly dangerous if the exiting car itself is turning right up Crosshill as for the same unfathomable reason a lot of drivers seem to accelerate to a stupid speed downhill.

Officer Response 1:

  1. Vehicles travelling west downhill on negotiating the 90 degree bend will have a clear view of vehicles parking on the south side of Crosshill. If parking was permitted on the northern side vehicles travelling east uphill will come into direct conflict at the bend with westbound vehicles.
  2. Parking on the northern side of Crosshill away from property frontages adjacent to a high wall would tend to attract vehicles parking from adjacent roads in the area. Whereas permitted parking of 4 vehicles on the southern side adjacent to property frontages will tend not to. This would seem to be the case, as mentioned in your letter most drivers have previously ignored the existing yellow lines and parked on the northern side.
  3. Although the visibility when exiting Sealawns/Seapoint will be slightly compromised, the presence of vehicles parked on the southern side will reduce the speed of vehicles travelling downhill and vehicles will be able to exit Sealawns/Seapoint with the protection of the parked vehicles having ample carriageway space in order to carry out vehicle turning manoeuvers whether uphill or downhill. This would not be the case if as suggested an additional length of parking (at least an extra 3 -4 extra parking spaces) was permitted on the northern side, with vehicles parking apposite the junction to the Sealawns/Seapoint complex.

Concern 2:

  1. The pavement outside the Sealawns flats is owned and maintained by Sealawns residents, even with the current parking situation, we spend £1000-£2000 every few years to repair displaced /damaged paving caused by inconsiderate drivers bumping their wheels onto the pavement when they park. To prevent a vast increase in this expenditure we will have to consider installing bollards to stop parking on the pavement.

Officer Response 2

  1. Having examined Council records it would appear that only the section of footway at the mouth of the junction, from the back line of the footway is the responsibility of Sealawns development. The section of footway outside the Sealawns flats is adopted highway and thereby the responsibility of the Local Authority. With permitted parking on the southern side together with the necessary parking enforcement by the Council's parking enforcement officers on the northern side there would be little need for vehicles to park on the southern footway This is currently not the case with vehicles currently illegally parking on the northern side forcing vehicles wishing to park on the southern side to park partially on the footway in order to maintain vehicle flow in Crosshill.  

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

  1. The cost of making the Traffic Regulation Order and implementing the scheme is estimated at £2000, which would be met from the Traffic Management's operational budget 2018/19, and would utilise the Council's own resources.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

  1. There are no Sustainability and Climate Change Implications with regard to this report.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

  1. The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allows highway authorities to make and vary Traffic Regulation Orders to regulate the movement of vehicular traffic, restrict or prohibit certain classes of vehicle and to improve the amenities of an area.
  2. The Council is responsible for enforcing parking restrictions under the powers provided by the Traffic Management Act 2004
  3. There are no Human Rights Implications with regard to this report.

Crime and Disorder Implications

  1. This proposal will help prevent potential disorder arising from the demand for on street parking.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

  1. The proposals will benefit accessibility for all sections of the community.
  2. Public Notices advertising the proposed intention to create a new Order will be published bilingually and any signage associated with this project will adhere to the Council's Welsh Language Scheme.

Corporate/Service Objectives

  1. Improvements in the management of the Council's highway network contributes to Well-being Outcome 2 an Environmentally responsible and prosperous Vale.

Policy Framework and Budget

  1. This report is a matter for Executive decision by Cabinet.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

  1.      The Ward Members were consulted on the proposal prior to and during the           statutory consultation period and no comments were received.
  2. Stakeholder consultations will take place in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

  1. Environment and Regeneration.

Background Papers

Traffic Management Information File 861

Contact Officer

Stephen Vincent - Traffic Management.

Officers Consulted

Operational Manager - Legal Services

Accountant - Neighbourhood Services and Housing

Responsible Officer

Miles Punter, Director of Environment and Housing Services