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Prosiect Gwyrdd

Prosiect Gwyrdd (Green Project) is a partnership between the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Caerphilly County Borough Council, Cardiff Council, Monmouthshire County Council and Newport City Council. 


The project will deliver a regional solution to residual waste - the waste left over after practical recycling and composting has taken place.


Local authorities have always relied on landfill to deal with waste but research shows that once recycling and composting targets are met, managing residual waste through landfill alone generates the highest carbon impact.


These facilities operate under very strict conditions, are tightly regulated by the Environment Agency and European experience shows they work alongside high recycling and composting performance.


The Welsh Government has set out the Towards Zero Waste Strategy and supports regional waste partnerships in Wales. By working together the project will achieve better value for the tax-payer by combining the remaining waste of the five local authorities. Each of the partners’ priority is to recycle and compost as much waste as possible to achieve the progressive Welsh Government recycling targets up until 2025 and beyond.


Prosiect Gwyrdd