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Money Advice

Council tenants who need support with financial matters can contact the Money Advice Team.


Whilst the team spends most of its time helping tenants in arrears, they can support anyone who requires help with their money.


Want help?

  • 01446 709312 / 01446 709588 / 01446 709146


What sort of things can the Money Advice Team help with?


  • L

    ooking at expenditure to see if any savings can be made

  • Maximising tenants income by making sure that benefits in payment are correct

  • Mediating between tenants and the rents team to make arrears repayment arrangements

  • Arranging floating tenancy support for tenants who are really struggling to manage their finances

  • Applying for grant funding for items or arrears


  • The arrears on my rent account are really high. Is there any point in having Money Advice?

    Yes. No matter how bad your arrears are the Money Advice Team can support you in making applications for grant funding, setting up repayment plans and with personal budgeting. There is no situation where the team do not want to try and help tenants sustain their tenancies.  

  • My circumstances have changed and I am now subject to the Under-Occupancy Reduction (Bedroom Tax). Is there any help available? 

    The Money Advice Team will work with you in the first instance to check your income and expenditure to see if there is room within your income and expenditure to afford the shortfall. If there is no room within your budget, they can help you apply for a Discretionary Housing Payments. By nature they are not a long term solution, however they can provide a short period of respite while you make alternative arrangements to pay your shortfall or move to suitable accommodation. 

  • I have debts. Is the Money Advice Team able to help? 

    Our Money Advisors are not trained in debt advice. Debt advice can only be given by people who have taken specific qualifications. However, the Money Advice Team is happy to support you in speaking with a specialist debt advice charity such as National Debt Line or Stepchange.

    Alternatively, their contact details are below:

    National Debt Line – 0808 808 40000 –

    StepChange – 0800 138 1111 – 

  • I have a low income. Is there any support available with my utility bills? 

    Yes, you may be due a reduction. There are several tariffs available:

    Helpu 2019/20: This tariff depends on the number of people in your household and income/benefits in payment*


    Household size 1 2 3+


    Income 8,900 13,400 3,400


    *Most sources of income are taken into account apart from disability benefits/premiums, housing benefit and council tax support.


    Those tenants who don’t qualify for Helpu, you may qualify for WaterSure Wales. This tariff is available for people who have a medical need that result in increased water usage or who have 3 or more children which they receive Child Benefit for.


    As well as water rates, there are Warm Home Discounts offered by bigger energy suppliers. The applications are usually open from summer time and the credits are applied during the start of the following year.


    If you would like to find out more about these reductions or credits, contact the Money Advice Team.  

  • I am moving to a Council property from Temporary Accommodation. Is there any help available for white goods or furnishings? 

    If you have a support worker, you should talk to them about making applications to grant funds in order to help you move. The Money Advice Team can help those without support, however many of the schemes are limited depending on circumstances and types of income received. Should you have a query, please contact the Money Advice Team who can advise on the best way to help you.