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Annual Delivery Plan 2024-2025

Our Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) sets out our priorities and intentions for the year ahead.



This is the fifth ADP for the Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2025, Working Together for a Brighter Future. The commitments in our Corporate Plan are long-term in nature and each year we set out the steps we will take to meet them in our ADP. This helps demonstrate our progress and focus for the year ahead.


The actions we will take over the coming year will contribute to the delivery of our four Wellbeing Objectives and our vision of Strong Communities with a Bright Future. Our plans have been shaped by the Well-being of Future Generations Act, you can read more about this in the Corporate Plan. The Objectives also provide the framework to demonstrate how we will secure continuous improvement and report on our progress as required by the Local Government Measure.


Our Wellbeing Objectives:



What is the Annual Delivery Plan?

Watch this short video to find out what the Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) is and what commitments we have made:



Developing the ADP

The actions set out in this year’s ADP reflect what residents, partners, elected members and staff have told us through various engagement and consultation activities through the year.


The responses to the consultation undertaken on this draft Plan have shaped our final Plan for 24-25.


The actions also reflect the findings from the work of our regulators, the information in our Annual Self-Assessment Report 2022/23, the Council’s performance in the national context, the Future Generations Report and Public Services Board’s (PSB) Well-being Assessment as well as the Population Needs Assessment undertaken by the Regional Partnership Board (RPB). The Council works with other public and third sector organisations as part of the PSB and the Council’s Well-being Objectives align with the PSB’s new Well-being Objectives. Activities detailed in this Plan will contribute to the PSB’s new Well-being Plan.


Delivery and monitoring of the ADP

The Annual Delivery Plan actions are reflected in our Service Plans showing how each department will work to contribute to our Well-being Objectives. Targets are set for delivering these actions.


Our work on the Corporate Plan is regularly monitored through an assessment of progress against our actions and performance indicators to allow councillors to scrutinise and oversee progress. This is reported to our Scrutiny Committees and Cabinet each quarter. Service Plans are also used to develop Team Plans and to inform our staff appraisals through the #itsaboutme process.


Getting involved

There are lots of ways to influence decision making in the Council. You can get involved by joining our citizens’ panel, Vale Viewpoint, and participate in consultations on our work and that of our partners.


Our Scrutiny Committees are open to the public and provide an opportunity to become involved in the Council’s activities. You can request a service area or matter to be considered by a Committee by completing a Scrutiny Review Topic Suggestion Form. You can also register to speak at Scrutiny Committees.


We welcome feedback about our work and you can contact us at: