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Vale Start Up Club 

The Vale Start Up Club is a friendly gathering of new business owners from within the Vale of Glamorgan.

Every meeting has an exciting guest speaker with invaluable information on all aspects of starting and growing your business.  We feature a local start up business who will share their experiences with you and there is also an opportunity to network with all those attending allowing you the chance to promote your business and make a valuable local network of other businesses to work with. 


Come along and join us – make new friends and expand your knowledge!

Vale Start Up Club logo


Vale Start Up Club photo banner


Our speaker at the Vale Start Up Club on 15th July was Dr. Sarah Gore from Business Wales - she spoke about sustainability and climate change along with sharing all the great services Business Wales have to offer. Our spotlight business was Milkshed, Penarth.


Our next Vale Start Up Club will be taking place on Monday, 21st October at the Memo Arts Centre - more details will be available closer to the date.  


Hear first-hand from one of our speakers what our Vale Start Up Club can offer you.. 

"The Vale Start Up Club is an extremely valuable resource for any new or start up business in the Vale to take advantage of because of the value gained by sharing challenges with others, networking and the collaboration opportunities.  Not only that but the presentations offered by local experts at each event keep everyone up to date with the latest best practises in marketing, finance, HR, etc".  

Austin Walters, Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant and Inspirational Speaker 


Hear what our attendees think.....

"Attending the Start Up Business Club has been a fantastic way to meet and build relationships with local businesses of all sizes. The informal set up, means that people can chat in a relaxed atmosphere, whilst listening to guest speakers covering a range of insightful topics. For anyone starting or building their business, these networking events are invaluable." - Darren Witts, Treganna Designs


“The Vale Start Up Club has been a huge support in my business journey. Working for yourself can be extremely lonely so it’s always great to get out of the office and meet local people in a similar situation. I have been so inspired by each event and have made lots of contacts that continue to help me with business growth” - Cath Jones, Sadler Jones


Vale Business Start-up Bursary

The Vale Business Start-Up Bursary Scheme provides bursaries of up to £5,000, with 20% match funding required, for individuals and groups of people intending to start a new business or social enterprise in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Find out more



Get in Touch

Should you still have questions after visiting the site, please call or email the economic development team for assistance.


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