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Business support news and updates   


The Regional Skills Partnership

The Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) for the South East and South West Wales are collectively gathering information on basic and advanced digital skills needs in order to identify the skills gaps and shortages faced by employers. They are calling on employers to share their views.



The Dockside Launch

The Dockside Launch is taking place on 14 August at the Persimmon Sales Office, Barry Waterfront. 


This exciting launch of a new commercial development is a chance to meet with other businesses whilst viewing the available properties in this exciting new business community. 




Commercial Improvement Grant

The Commercial Improvement Grant will provide support for the improvements and maintenance works to enhance the front elevation of retail properties in the Vale of Glamorgan and improve the quality of the internal trading area including accessibility.  




Food Vale

Do you have an interest in food or cooking?  Could your organisation/club/society/collection of friends make use of a local community kitchen? Would your business benefit from a professional test-kitchen in the Vale of Glamorgan?


Food Vale are researching demand for a shared kitchen facility in the Vale and are very keen to hear your views.  Click on the survey link below to help steer the next steps. If you would like to know more or get further involved, please email 




Would you like help to become a dementia friendly organisation? 

Support is available for any business, organisation or community group in the Vale who would like to take simple actions to become more dementia friendly, and to achieve ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’ recognition.


Becoming dementia friendly can be beneficial for your organisation, even if you don’t work face to face with customers.  A better understanding and support for people with dementia can also help to support your staff.  



For more information and to get started, please contact: or 


Academic Industry Partnerships

You can now register your interest in the Cardiff Capital Region Academic-Industry Partnerships Programme, an exciting opportunity for high-potential businesses like yours to unlock ambitious new growth opportunities by partnering with Academic expertise.


Led by the University of South Wales, in collaboration with Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University, the programme will facilitate the development of new or improved products, services, technologies, or processes, fostering innovation and economic growth within the region via targeted funding. For more information on the programme and its goals, click here.


If you would like to express an interest in engaging with the programme, please complete the Expression of Interest form here, or contact a member of the team at



Workplace recycling is changing

From 6 April 2024, it will become law for all businesses, charities and public sector organisations to sort their waste for recycling.  It also applies to all waste and recycling collectors and processors who manage household-like waste from workplaces.  This is an important step towards reaching zero waste, reducing our carbon emissions and tackling the climate emergency.




Innovation Net Zero

Innovation Net Zero supports Wales’ most innovative businesses to develop and commercialise novel net zero and circular economy solutions. The programme offers fully funded support worth up to £5,000 and £10,000 dependent on the local authority. Participating businesses will benefit from the expertise of innovation specialists Innovation Strategy, multi-national BT and local sustainability experts Afallen. Support offered by the partnership includes tailored business coaching, workshops, networking opportunities, access to BT’s innovation labs, support to raise funding and more.  Find out more: 




Clean Growth Innovation Network

Vale of Glamorgan-based businesses and third-sector organisations can access fully-funded support designed to help them drive innovation and boost sustainability from May 2024, thanks to new funding secured by Circular Economy Innovation Communities (CEIC)

The Clean Growth Programme is fully funded for eligible organisations and gives participants the tools they need to develop their circular economy understanding, helping them work towards Net Zero goals, enhance service levels, reduce operational costs and meet their responsibilities under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. 

The programme also supports organisations to boost innovation, developing clean growth plans that could be eligible for Welsh Government innovation funding.

In response to growing demand from businesses, eligibility for the 2024 intake has been expanded to include private-sector companies for the first time. 


Expression of Interest and Application Form 



Get in Touch 


Should you still have questions after visiting the site, please call or email the economic development team for assistance.