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Community Asset Transfer (CAT)

A Community Asset Transfer (CAT) happens when a Public Sector Body transfers the management or ownership of a property asset to a community body. 


The Council has a policy, guidance and process for managing CATs.


The guidance has useful information for community bodies that are considering a CAT:

  • Voluntary organisations

  • Co–operatives

  • Mutual

  • Social enterprises

  • Town/Community Councils

The guidance also sets out the types of assets that may or will not be considered for a CAT.


The guidance details the Council's decision process when considering CAT applications. The CAT process is based on a few key principles:

  • Community need

  • Support of the Council’s wider aims and objectives

  • The need to ensure transparency and sustainability of any proposals

The CAT application process has three stages:


  1. Expression of interest
  2. Full business plan
  3. Decision



Belle Vue Community Centre,

Belle Vue Cottage, Albert Crescent,


An Expression of Interest has been received in respect of the above property under the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Community Asset Transfer procedure and the Council is required to advertise the property in accordance with its procedure.


Should any interested party wish to make a similar application please submit an Expression of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Community Asset Transfer procedure and guidance which can be found here - and send the Stage 1 Expression of Interest form and any other supporting documents initially to:


Andrew Tovey

Strategic Estates Group

Property Section

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU

Or by email to -


Expressions should be submitted by 4.30pm on Friday 23rd August 2024


Sources of Further Information and Guidance for Applicants

The Big Lottery Fund distributes millions of pounds to help community groups and charitable projects in the UK.

CLAS Cymru helps community growing groups, landowners and others involved in land access. They aim to work collaboratively to make more land available for community growth.

Community Matters is the national membership and support organisation for the community sector. They encourage voluntary and community action at a neighbourhood level.


My Community has all the latest tools, tips and ideas to make communities even better places to live. They also have information on community rights and grant programmes.

The DTA portal is for a range of people and organisations interested in the development of land and building assets to benefit the community.

GVS helps to improve the quality of life of communities by supporting volunteering opportunities.

The Asset Transfer Unit (ATU) promotes and supports community asset transfers.

National Association of Local Councils in England and Wales.

One Voice Wales is the principal organisation for Community and Town Councils in Wales. They provide a strong voice representing the councils' interests and a range of high quality services to support their work.

The Wales Co-operative Centre is a co-operative, focused on building a fairer, greener economy and a more equal society. They support the development of social entrepreneurship, enterprises and co-operatives in Wales.

WCVA support and represent Wales’ third sector. They represent and campaign for voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities.

Welsh Government toolkit to assist community groups considering CAT's for sport, arts and cultural uses.