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Belle Vue Pavilion and Play Area Upgrade Proposals

The Council has received Section 106 financial contributions for Community Facilities from nearby developments, and this has been allocated to Belle Vue Pavilion and play area to comprehensively upgrade these well-used facilities.

Works to upgrade this site will commence on June 20, 2022 and are anticipated to take 37 weeks.


Planning permission (planning reference 2021/00363/RG3) has been approved for the demolition of the existing pavilion and adjacent ancillary buildings, and construction of a new shared use community building and associated external works to create level pedestrian access.


Handover of the new building is anticipated in mid-March 2023. 


The construction zone has been carefully considered to limit disruption to park users. The play area and bowling green will remain open during the programmed works. The construction zone therefore may change subject to risk assessment. The pedestrian access to the park via Albert Crescent will be closed during the construction period. 

The Contractors is restricted to operations during the following times:


  • Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm)
  • Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm)


Sundays and Bank Holidays: No working allowed.


The Contractor will further restrict operations to take account of school Drop off/Pick up times (Monday to Friday), in terms of deliveries, unloading and the movement of vehicles and materials. Whilst there will be some disruption from the construction works, the Council will endeavour to work with the appointed contractor to minimise this.


About the project

  • Why is a proposal being considered?

    In 2015, a conditions survey was undertaken, which concluded that the externals of the building are life expired and the extent of the risks highlighted have the potential to close the building. 


    The existing building facilitates a range of social, educational, play, sport and training activities in the park and is already a centre for residents and community groups, from formal annual events, to informal activities such as after-school play and gardening clubs. The building is also the home to Belle Vue Bowling Club.


    The loss of such a building would result in a huge gap in the community.

  • What consultations have been held? 

    Formal consultations have been held in 2019 and 2020 to determine the future of the building and to understand and fully appreciate the views of residents and user groups. Draft plans were consulted upon in Autumn 2020 as a basis for discussion.

  • What options have been considered? 

    The Council considered other options such as upgrading the existing building and structures, though this option was not feasible. The new building will: 


    • Be built to 21st Century building standards, offering a more efficient community facility and reducing the costs and carbon footprint.

    • Address all issues such as accessibility, layout, drainage, utilities, and structure.

    • Provide a flexible space to meet the needs of a diverse range of user groups: new and existing.

    • Increase the level of community access and improve the already good relationships across the community; the fusion of indoor and outdoor space. 


  • Who would use the new building? 

    A number of groups already use the existing pavilion building, including the Friends of Belle Vue and Penarth Bowling Club.  

  • How has the new building been funded? 
    The Council has received a number of Section 106 contributions from nearby developments. The Council has also applied been awarded Lottery funding through the “People and Places” grant.
  • What are the plans for the play area? 

    Belle Vue Play Area will be fully upgraded later this year with some repair works to the climbing whirl unit and tables taking place this spring. Bella the sculptured dragon has also be taken off site to be renovated.

  • Why have you included a kiosk/café space? 

    The proposed kiosk/café has been indicatively presented on the plans, given that the inclusion of a Cafe has been heavily supported in the community when proposed via the consultations undertaken in 2019/20.




Belle Vue Pavilion and Play Area Plans

 These plans were agreed by the Council's Planning Committee on 27 October, 2021. 


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