Request Title
Purpose of Request
EP COVID-19 44
Contact Track and Trace Arrangements
To enter into the regional arrangements for contact tracking and tracing with Cardiff Council and Cardiff & Vale UHB.
EP COVID-19 45
School Deficits
To give schools temporary authority to enter into deficit budget positions without the permission of budget recovery plans until schools re-open and Governing Bodies and Finance Committees resume normal activity.
EP COVID-19 46
Landslip Penarth Heights
Authority to enter into a Section 111 Agreement in order to facilitate the remedial works to the 2016 landslip at the Penarth Heights development
EP COVID-19 47
Cowbridge Livestock Market Regeneration Project
To authorise the erection of security fencing and implement pre demolition surveys and let a works contract for the physical demolition and clearance of the buildings and structures, amend the Capital Programme to provide the budget for same, and endorse the temporary extension of the Glam Marts licence to operate the livestock market on a pro rata monthly renewal basis.
EP COVID-19 48
Increase Independent Living Allowance for Young People
To increase the Independent Living Allowance for young people who are aged 16-18 who have left care or become looked after due to homelessness, who are accommodated in semi-independent supported accommodation and unable to make a claim for Universal Credit.
EP COVID-19 49
Quarter 3 Performance
To enable the Council to review its progress at Q3 towards achieving its Corporate Plan Well-being objectives for the final year of the Corporate Plan 2016-20 to inform the Council’s statutory annual review of 2019/20 (Improvement Plan Part 2) to be published by October 2020.
EP COVID-19 50
Annual Delivery Plan
To approve the Annual Delivery Plan (which incorporates Service Plans and improvement targets for the period) for publication in recognition that as the longer-term impacts of the coronavirus impact become clearer then there may be changes in the focus of activity.
EP COVID-19 51
Core ICT Network Infrastructure Upgrade
Authority to replace the F5 appliance including a five year support and maintenance contract and to replace the existing Firewalls and associated core network switches with updated hardware with a five year support and maintenance contract, both with carrying out a full tender exercise, and include the upgrades in the Capital Programme for 2020/21.
EP COVID-19 52
Highways Verge Cutting Contract
To award the highway verge cutting contract for one further season (May to September 2020)
EP COVID-19 53
Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract
To request authorisation that Neighbourhood Services: Operations can award the Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract
EP COVID-19 54
Limited Access to Two Country Parks
To allow limited access to both of the Country Park for purposes of exercise only and maintain as closed all associated leisure facilities including play areas, boardwalks and toilets.
EP COVID-19 55
Opening of Parks and Cessation of Tannoy Warning Message
To reopen parks for exercise that were closed as part of the control measures implemented to minimise the spread of Covid-19 and to agree the cessation of vehicle mounted tannoy Covid-19 warning announcements.
EP COVID-19 56
Reopening of Footpaths
To reverse the previously agreed temporary closure of a number of footpaths to all members of the public to exercise only.
EP COVID-19 57
Extension to the existing Carriageway Pavement Renewals Contract 2017/18 (Resurfacing)
To approve the further extension of the Carriageway Pavement Renewal Contract for a further 12 month period.
EP COVID-19 58
Salix LED Street Lighting
To approve the contract award for the LED Street Lighting Luminaires Contract
EP COVID-19 59
Small Scale Works Grant Information
Grant funding has been awarded from Welsh Government and approval is sought to approve a new scheme in the 2020/21 Capital Programme.
EP COVID-19 60
Additional B&B Accommodation
To authorise an extended number of rooms to be reserved for emergency / temporary accommodation for homeless individuals / households in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
EP COVID-19 61
School Admission Appeals
To seek approval to implement the Council’s alternative Procedure and Guidance for School Appeal Panels during Covid-19 in accordance with the requirements of the Education (Admission Appeals Arrangements) (Wales) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020