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2nd Tranche – Period 8th April to 22nd April, 2020


Register of Fortnightly Managing Director’s Emergency Powers – Coronavirus Pandemic


Further to Minute C295 of 23rd March, 2020 Cabinet meeting, the following are to notify Cabinet of the exercising of Emergency Powers by the Managing Director by reason of the need to ensure that Council business is progressed in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic.



Request Title  

Purpose of Request 

EP COVID-19   22

Grant Funding for Democracy Counts Electoral Management Software

To authorise the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Section 151 Officer to sign receipt of the grant letter from WG for grant funding to cover the cost of the Software and to authorise the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services to execute a Deed of Variation in respect of additional specification in respect of the software

EP COVID-19   23

Cessation of Reactive and Routine Housing Repairs

Permission to cease reactive and routine housing repairs and undertake an emergency repairs service only and for emergency repair staff to take their vehicles home to increase the speed of response and avoid the potential for gatherings at Council depots

EP COVID-19   24


To move VCRS to Ty Jenner from Barry Hospital

EP COVID-19   25

Homes4U Advertising and Allocation Process

To amend the advertising procedure and relax the bidding and refusal criteria for Homes4U applicants.

EP COVID-19   26

Temporary Accommodation

To utilise and furnish 4 existing Council properties to be used as self-contained accommodation for Symptomatic Coronavirus residents who current occupy hostel / shared accommodation or are rough sleeping in line with WG and PHW guidance.

EP COVID-19   27

Extension of Expiry Dates for Residents Parking Permits

To ensure that residents, carers and visitors continue to have appropriate access by motor vehicle to homes and are not financially penalised due to being unable to renew their Residents Parking Permit for all permits expiring after 1st January 2020 until 1st September 2020.

EP COVID-19   28

Reduced Visits to Children at Risk (PART II)

To reduce visiting children at risk.

EP COVID-19   29

Waiving of Rental Fees for Some Leisure Properties

To seek authorisation for powers to provide up to 3 months rent free to business tenancies

EP COVID-19   30

Closure of Libraries, ACL and Arts Central

To close all libraries in the VoG, Arts Central and face to face adult education classes in response to WG powers to close facilities where people gather.

EP COVID-19   31

Amendment to Flexible Retirement for R which was approved by ERR


R has offered to delay the start of the flexible retirement arrangements agreed by ERR on 16th March 2020 in order to assist the service in view of the Covid 19 situation.

EP COVID-19   32

Ty Deri Residential Respite Provision

To temporarily end Ty Deri residential respite provision from August 2020 in order to meet increased demand for special education at Ysgol y Deri.

EP COVID-19   33

Application for Flexible Retirement (PART II)

To approve an application for flexible retirement arrangements.

EP COVID-19   34

Increase emergency accommodation provision

To increase emergency accommodation provision by 25 Hotel spaces to meet increasing demand during the Coronavirus pandemic in line with WG guidance co-terminus with the decision of 27th March.

EP COVID-19   35

Vale Heroes Crisis Grant Fund

To seek approval to create the Vale Heroes Crisis Grant Fund which will offer grants to Community Groups, the Voluntary Sector, TCCs and eligible businesses towards the cost of initiatives within the Vale of Glamorgan that help members of the community severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic