Request Title
Purpose of Request
EP COVID-19 112
Flexible Retirement Requests
(Part II)
To consider two applications for flexible retirement.
EP COVID-19 113
Mutual Investment Model (MIM) Strategic Partnering Agreement
To approve the Strategic Partnering Agreement with the Welsh Education Partnership Co to facilitate the delivery of a range of infrastructure services and the delivery of education and community facilities as part of the 21st Century Schools and Colleges Programme.
EP COVID-19 114
2019/20 Capital Slippage Request
To approve the slippage of unspent 2019/20 capital budgets into the 2020/21 capital Programme
EP COVID-19 115
Corporate Risk Register Q3 Update
Approval sought to review, approve and share the Risk Register and Corporate Risk Summary report for Q3 with Audit Committee and Cabinet Members
EP COVID-19 116
Award of Funding in relation to Active Travel Fund
WG has awarded the Council a grant in relation to the Active Travel Fund and it is requested to increase the Core Active Travel Fund allocation scheme in the 2020/21 Capital Programme
EP COVID-19 117
Passenger Transport Payments Q2 2020/21
To ensure passenger transport providers continue to exist after the Covid-19 pandemic authority is requested for the continuation of payments for Q2 in line with those to date for Q1
EP COVID-19 118
12 month extension of the Housing Fire Door Repair / Replacement Programme
Emergency powers are being sought to extend both the fire door repair / replacement programme and fire stopping framework contracts
EP COVID-19 119
Acceptance of Tender – Western Vale Primaries
(Part II)
Authority to accept the second stage tender for the delivery of the Western Vale Primaries project as part of Band B of the Council’s 21st Century Schools Programme
EP COVID-19 120
Barry Town Centre Weekly Market
To seek authority to draft and execute a side letter to the existing licence agreement to include the temporary allotted area on King Square to facilitate the return of the weekly market to Barry Town Centre as a temporary move.
EP COVID-19 121
Temporary Closure of Portobello Car Park, Ogmore-by-Sea
To seek authorisation for the temporary closure of Portobello Car Park, Ogmore-by-Sea with immediate effect
EP COVID-19 122
Purchase of deployable CCTV
To authorise the purchase of five deployable CCTV cameras from the capital allocation for the upgrade and improvement of the CCTV system across the Vale of Glamorgan.
EP COVID-19 123
Construction of the Waste Transfer Station located at Atlantic Trading Estate, Barry
(Part II)
Authorisation to award the contract for the construction of the Waste Transfer Station located at Atlantic Trading Estate, Barry, to the preferred bidder following an extensive procurement and evaluation process
EP COVID-19 124
Street Café Trading Licences
To agree a new (temporary) streamlined process for the application and granting of Street Café Licences in the public highway and on Council owned land, due to the impacts on bars and restaurants of Covid-19
EP COVID-19 125
Covid 19 Business Start up Grant Administration
Authority to accept and administer grant funds on behalf of WG in line with the Covid 19 Business Start Up Grant Guidelines
EP COVID-19 126
Audit Committee Remote Attendance Procedure
To seek approval to implement an alternative procedure for the conduct of Audit Committee meetings during Covid 19 and for this procedure to be followed for meetings undertaken during the period of the restrictions in place during the pandemic
EP COVID-19 127
Additional Schools Maintenance Budget Grant
Authority to mobilise the contractors as soon as possible to ensure works can be completed while the schools are empty during the summer holiday period
EP COVID-19 128
Statutory and Public Protection Licensing Committee Procedure via Remote Attendance
To seek approval to implement an alternative procedure for the conduct of Statutory and Public Protection Licensing Committee meetings during Covid-19 and for this procedure to be followed for meetings undertaken during the period of the restrictions in place during the pandemic.