Report Title
Purpose of Request
Coronavirus Preparations, Officer Delegations,
Council Working / Business Continuity
To outline to Cabinet and seek approval for temporary emergency Governance arrangements to be implemented to ensure business continuity within the Council as a result of the implications of COVID-19 pandemic.
EP COVID-19 1a
Non-Domestic Rates – Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme Wales – 2020-21
To obtain grant funding for Non-Domestic Rates in respect of rate relief under the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme.
Three month rent holiday to commercial business tenants
To granting a three month rent holiday to commercial business tenants affected by current lock down subject to confirmation of impact.
Covid-19 Non-Domestic Rates Linked Grants for Businesses
To obtain grant funding for Covid-19 Non-Domestic Rates linked grants for businesses in Wales.
Three month rent holiday to shops and retail tenants
To seek agreement to offer a three month rent holiday to shops and retail tenants affected by the outbreak.
Closing of two Country Parks
To close two Country Parks at Cosmeston and Porthkerry.
Closing of Footpaths in the Vale of Glamorgan
To close footpaths leading to potential honey pot sites in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Cease use of pool car fleet
To cease use of pool car fleet and allow staff to use own vehicles in a move to prevent the spread of Covid 19.
Restrict office hours
Decision to restrict office hours and subsequently close offices to the public to encourage social distancing and promote / allow redeployment of staff to other essential areas.
Chief Officer Appraisals
Delaying until Autumn or when Covid-19 restrictions cease to apply (whoever is soonest) and to award incremental pay awards in absence of appraisals.
EP COVID-19 10
Homelessness Provision in light of Covid-19
Housing Solutions Team request permission to block book hotel / B&B accommodation to enable the Council to provide emergency / temporary accommodation.
EP COVID-19 11
Passenger Transport Payments
To ensure passenger transport providers continue to exist after the Covid-19 pandemic.
EP COVID-19 12
Salix Lighting Energy Reduction Strategy
To request an increase to the Street Lighting Energy Reduction Strategy Scheme in the 2020/21 Capital Programme to be funded by an interest free loan from Salix Finance Ltd
EP COVID-19 13
Tendering for Capital Schemes 2020/21
To tender for Capital Schemes 2020/21.
EP COVID-19 14
Repurposing of Schools
Repurposing of schools to provide childcare; establishment of childcare hubs and closure of non-hub school buildings; and provision of free school means through a voucher system.
EP COVID-19 15
Social Distancing and Discouraging Unnecessary Travel in Natural Environments and Resorts
Closing of coastal car parks and restrictions to access to hose car parks by vehicle and on foot. Also to close local feature and well used parks to restrict spread of Covid 19 and to promote social distancing. The use of a vehicle tannoy system to promote Government messages about need to stay home and avoid travel.
EP COVID-19 16
Community Centre Closures
To confirm instruction to Community Associations to close all Community Centres in the Vale of Glamorgan following direction from National Government.
EP COVID-19 17
Suspension of season green waste collections
To request authorisation to temporarily suspend the season green waste collections from 23rd March, 2020 due to staff shortages and to seek authorisation to utilise the corporate pool car fleet to maintain waste and recycling collections whilst adhering to the current social distancing measures.
EP COVID-19 18
Set up a secondary C1V hub in the Members’ Room at the Civic Offices
To set up a second contact centre hub in the lower ground floor of the Civic Offices to ensure sufficient social distancing and add to resilience.
EP COVID-19 19
Co-ordinate and promote volunteer pathways across the VoG in response to WG shielding (Vale Heroes)
To establish “Vale Heroes”, a web based hub for volunteering and a hub for those requesting assistance
EP COVID-19 20
Easter Play Schemes and Sport Development
To confirm that Easter Play Schemes and sports development activities delivered in school environments have now ceased until the end of the Coronavirus crisis.
EP COVID-19 21
Carehome Contract Postponement
Due to the Coronavirus it is no longer considered appropriate to expect providers to transfer on to the new regional contract for care homes during this time of crisis in the care sector. Delayed until 1st September, 2020.