Cost of Living Support Icon

Edward (Eddie) Williams



c/o Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU


  • 07927 588975

Party details:

Llantwit First Independents


Llantwit First Independents

Council Roles

Llantwit First Independents Group Leader


Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health


Planning Committee

Planning Sub-Committee - Public Rights of Way

Senior Management Appointment Committee

Outside Bodies

Cardiff International Airport Consultative Committee

Corporate Parenting Panel

Local Access Forum

National Joint Committee for the National Adoption Service and Foster Wales

Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Wales (RFCA)


Vale, Valleys and Cardiff Regional Adoption Collaborative

Welsh Local Government Association: Council



Armed Forces 


Attendance at Meetings

(from the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024 to the Annual Meeting on 7 May 2025)


Attendance at Meetings
Appointed to the following at the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024No. of Meetings   Held to DateAttended%AttendanceApologies Received
Council (including Annual Meeting) 1 1 100%  
Cabinet 3 3 100%  
Planning 2 2 100%  
Public Rights of Way        
Senior Management Appointment 1 1 100%  

Previous Attendance at Meetings

May 2023 - May 2024

May 2022 - May 2023


Annual Reports


Register of Interests





Ward: Llantwit Major