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Anne Asbrey



c/o Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU 


  • 07927 588960

Party details:

Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales

 Plaid-Cymru Party of Wales logo


Council Roles

Appeals Committee

Appointment of Local Authority Governors Panel

Community Liaison Committee

Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee 


Attendance at Meetings

(From the Annual Meeting on 8 May, 2024 to the Annual Meeting on 7 May 2025) 


Attendance at Meetings
Appointed to the following at the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024No. of Meetings   Held to DateAttended%AttendanceApologies Received
Council (including Annual Meeting) 1 1 100%  
Community Liaison 1 1 100%  
Scrutiny (Learning and Culture)  1 1 100%  


Not a Member but Present
Not a Member of the Committee but Present at Meeting Attended 
Scrutiny (Corporate Performance and Resources)  1
Scrutiny (Environment and Regeneration) 1
Scrutiny (Homes and Safe Communities) 2

Previous Attendance at Meetings

May 2023 - May 2024

May 2022 - May 2023


Register of Interests 


Ward: Dinas Powys