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Burnett, Lis

Lis Burnett  MSc FRSA



c/o Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU


  • 07927 588974

Party details:

Labour and Co-OperativeLabourCoop


Council Roles

Executive Leader and Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources

Labour Group Leader 


Equalities Consultative Forum

Local Authority Trading Company "The Big Fresh Catering Company"

Public Protection Licensing Committee

Statutory Licensing Committee

Senior Management Appointment Committee (Chair)

Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee

Outside Bodies

Breast Cancer Now

Cardiff Capital Region City Deal

Consortium of Local Authorities in Wales

Joint Council for Wales: Employers Side

South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee

Welsh Local Government Association Executive Board

Welsh Local Government Association: Council



Members Attendance

(From the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024 to the Annual Meeting on 7 May 2025)  


Members Attendance
Appointed to the following at the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024No. of Meetings   Held to DateAttended%AttendanceApologies Received
Council (including Annual Meeting) 1 1 100%  
Cabinet 3 2 67%  1
Public Protection Licensing 2 2 100%  
Statutory Licensing        
Senior Management Appointment 1 1 100%  
Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison        
Not a Member but Present
Not a Member of the Committee but Present at Meeting  Attended
Governance and Audit  1
Scrutiny (Corporate Performance and Resources) 2
Scrutiny (Enviornment and Regeneration) 1
Scrutiny (Learning and Culture) 1
Standards 1

Previous Attendance at Meetings

May 2023 - May 2024

May 2022 - May 2023

Register of Interests



Ward: Stanwell


Penarth councillors hold a weekly surgery at West House (Penarth Town Council Offices) from 10.00am - 11.00am, every Saturday. They are often joined by local Assembly Member Vaughan Gething, and MP Stephen Doughty.  In addition surgeries and events are regularly held in the Stanwell ward and Lis can be contacted for any specific issue on the contact numbers and email address above.


Lis was appointed Leader of the Vale of Glamorgan Council in May 2022 having previously served as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration. Formerly Head of Social Entrepreneurship at the University of South Wales, Lis has also acted as an advisor to the Welsh Government and the former Welsh Assembly on Social Enterprise and Cooperatives.  She has previously run her own business, worked for a major UK multi-national company and as a consultant to NESTA.  She has been involved in delivering community to community aid projects in Uganda and is a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce).